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Saving Mexico’s octopuses against warming waters and overfishing
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Saving Mexico’s octopuses against warming waters and overfishing

Octopus in Mexico

Octopuses are fascinating creatures with their eight arms, three hearts and high intelligence. They can also squeeze into tight spaces and change the color and texture of their skin at will. 

They are also a favorite delicacy in many parts of the world, whether they are steamed, deep-fried, or served with their own ink. Each year, 420,000 tons of octopus is consumed worldwide. This trend is growing rapidly. 

It is much more difficult to raise octopuses in captivity than species like salmon or shrimp. Because of this, the octopus that we see on our plates is wild caught. Some regions in Asia are already considered to be overfished.

Octopus in Mexico

Animals are in high demand worldwide.

Mexico is the largest producer and exporter of octopus worldwide. There is still enough fish in the ocean. Research in Sisal in Yucatn has shown them to be extremely sensitive to temperature changes and won’t lay eggs in warm water. If the ocean continues to heat up, this could become a problem. 

Hope for fishermen: Octopus farms 

Carlos Rosas Vasquez, a biologist, has been researching the ideal living conditions for octopuses since 1995. He works for UNAM in Mexico. He and his team have worked together over the years to create the perfect conditions for food, light, and water temperature. They even have a small breeding station that can be used to produce pregnant females from fish caught from the sea. 

Local fishermen also benefit from the scientific insights gained during this process. A few are part of the cooperative Moluscos Del Mayab, which is seeking to use the university’s findings to create a commercial octopus farm. If the project is successful, fishermen will be able release octopuses into the sea to replenish their population.

A small octopus climbs up a plastic container

It is very difficult to breed octopus.

Project goal:Financial support for biodiversity conservation measures

Budget:The $4000 (3500), was donated by the Federal Government to the octopus and cooperative Moluscos Del Mayab projects. Biodiversity Finance Institute (BIOFIN I),As part of the, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment supports theInternational Climate Initiative (IKI)TheGEF Small Grants ProgramContributed $50,000 (43,700). 

Partner organizations UNAM Mexico, GEF Global Environment Facility. 

Duration: BIOFIN II runs until December 2025

Katja Dhne – Video 

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