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LETTER – Mosquito abatement is good for health, tourism, and the environment
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LETTER – Mosquito abatement is good for health, tourism, and the environment

Karen L. Overall, Belfast, P.E.I. is a doctor in veterinarian medicine and an expert on animal behaviour.

Unfortunately, misinformation was contained in the letter regarding the Rural Municipality of Belfast (RMB), mosquito abatement program. (Mosquito Program too expensive, March 4)

The Actual cost of the moth programAfter the $60,000 grant funding, the tax itself is 3.5 to 4% (0.035-0.04) RMB property taxes. These taxes are currently 15% (0.15) of total assessed value for owner-occupied residential properties, divided by 100. For example, a 100,000-value property would have RMB taxes at $150. These costs for the mosquito program are increased by 4 percent to $190 40. A $200,000 assessment would result in an additional $80 (total RMBtax = $380), $300,000.00, $120 (total RMBtax= $570), $400,000.00, $160 (total RMBtax= $760), and $500,000.00, $200 (total RMBtax=$950). A $400,000. assessment would see a 4.4% increase in provincial taxes. Mosquito abatement would lead to an increase in property taxes of 3.5-4% for most residents in the RMB zone. Other taxes could also rise, but they have nothing to do the mosquito abatement program. Instead, the tax value assessment of owner-occupied residential property is linked to the previous year’s consumer price index (CPI).

There are many reasons to implement a mosquito abatement program. The first reason is to improve quality of life. It is almost impossible to enjoy any outdoor activity during the summer season without using a mosquito repellant. Repellants can be expensive (one tin Deep Woods Off is $11), can be harmful to marine or aquatic environments, and can cause skin or respiratory sensitivities. The bites of mosquitoes can cause allergic reactions in humans, horses, and dogs. An environmentally safe biological compound is used to inhibit insect growth hormones.

The second reason is to encourage and enhance tourism. Tourists who are able to use the beautiful environment of P.E.I. Increase your sales and tax income.

Responsible environment and health stewardship are the third reasons. We are now emerging from an infectious virus pandemic. P.E.I. P.E.I. currently has an increase in infectious avian influenza cases. This is a zoonotic condition. Charlottetown also has a reovirus virus outbreak that has caused the deaths of crows. Equine influenza virus (EEE), which can be fatal, is a mosquito-borne illness that is affecting many people. West Nile virus, which kills corvids (jays/ ravens and/or crows) and may also kill humans, is a serious disease that is being detected in more rescue dogs from the south.

It is time to coordinate efforts to control mosquito population. This is what the RMB is doing. This program is a great value because of the grant funding. It comes at a very low cost. Residents will reap the health and environmental benefits from reducing mosquito populations.

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