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Lujan Grisham signs plan for spending federal COVID-19 relief dollars
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Lujan Grisham signs plan for spending federal COVID-19 relief dollars

Lujan Grisham signs plan for spending federal COVID-19 relief dollars

Millions of dollars were spent on the repair of abandoned oil and natural gas wells in New Mexico after Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has signed a spending bill that was passed during the second Special Legislative Session in 2021.

The session was convened Dec. 3, primarily to approve redistricting propositions by the Legislature. However House Bill 2 was also approved to serve as spending plan for federal COVID-19 dollars under the American Rescue Act. This will be followed by the 30-day regular budget session, which is scheduled to begin in January 2022.

HB 2 allocated $479 Million to multiple state agencies, including the Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resource Department (EMNRD), which manages oil and natural gas operations in the state and leads conservation efforts on state land.

More:Officials express optimism, concern over impending State Legislature redistricting vote

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