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Maine Voices: The Pine Tree Amendment would benefit both businesses and the environment
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Maine Voices: The Pine Tree Amendment would benefit both businesses and the environment

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L.D. will be up for vote in the Maine Legislature very soon. 489, the Pine Tree Amendment. This constitutional amendment would guarantee Maineans clean air, water, and a healthy environment. It would also guarantee that Maine businesses have the same rights.

The Pine Tree Amendment provides that the people of the state have the right of clean and healthy environments and the preservation of natural, cultural and healthful aspects of the environment. These rights cannot be violated. The state shall preserve, protect, and maintain the state’s natural resources, including its air, land, and ecosystems, for the benefit all people, including future generations.

Richard Nelson, a retired fisherman from Friendship Harbor, lives and works in a business that relies on its natural and environment resources. He believes that Friendship Harbor’s people have a history in managing fisheries.

Nelson said to me, “We have to protect the environmental environment because it is reliant on us.” The Pine Tree Amendment could be a tool for fishermen and other industries to ensure that their voices are heard in state and local governance.

Businesses have a long history of taking care of the state’s natural resources. The Pine Tree Amendment would allow them to do this effectively.

The Pine Tree Amendment would give Maine businesses and people a boost to preserve our state’s natural resources. It would allow us to grow our economy and protect our state’s natural resources. Maine’s identity and businesses are more dependent on its natural resources than ever before. It is not just agriculture, forestry, fishing that Maine is known for, but it also has cruise ships, outdoor recreation, tourism, and hospitality. Maine is a great place to live because of its clean environment, clean water, and clean air. Because of the state’s beauty and wonders, tourists are flocking to it in large numbers.

The Pine Tree Amendment would serve as a navigational tool for policy makers to help them guide legislation. It would place citizen environmental rights at the forefront. The Quality of Place was a bill that the Legislature approved in 2009. It was intended to build Maine’s economy on its strengths. The state could prioritise funding for projects that strengthen Maine’s natural resources through the legislation. The law was repealed by the governor and the next Legislature in 2011. This shows that laws can be changed at any time. The Pine Tree Amendment could provide a permanent buffer to support the state’s environmental laws, and help businesses succeed.

Maine’s businesses and residents depend on a healthy and clean environment. It is right and proper that our environmental rights are protected with the same legal power as the political, civil and property rights and human rights we cherish. This will ensure that Maine’s business owners, who rely heavily on natural resources, can continue to do their jobs and support their families.

Please help to protect the state that we love, and the natural resources that provide the foundation for the Maine economy. Your senator and state representative should vote for the Pine Tree Amendment.

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