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Mediterranean: Training project on environment and cinema begins – Tunisia
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Mediterranean: Training project on environment and cinema begins – Tunisia

TUNIS – A joint Italian-Tunisian program combining cinema and environmental awareness was launched in Tunisia by the cycle “Young Film Directors, Writing, Environment”: The programme, titled Green scenarios – strengthening young people’s skills in the audiovisual field for eco-awareness, was created by Association Kaif, Fdration tunisienne des cinastes amateurs, Tunisia, and the Centre for Creation and Culture (formerly Fabrica Europa Association).
Valeria Meneghelli, Association Kaif, told ANSAmed that Lorenzo Ci led the first of two training sessions on January 15.
She explained that the programme consists in six master classes, led by Italian and Tunisian specialists for a group consisting of twelve FTCA members with experience in making films.
The second training session, which is aimed at a smaller group of FTCA members less experienced in cinema, will begin in February and run in parallel with the master classes.
Through summer 2022, the members of both groups will be involved in a tandem creation process. They will work together to create short films about contemporary environmental issues.
This project is part of J-Med, a program that supports the youth of the Mediterranean countries and French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs with support from Illis.

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