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Morocco elected President of the 6th UN Environment Assembly
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Morocco elected President of the 6th UN Environment Assembly

Morocco elected president of 6th UN Environment Assembly

Morocco was elected President by acclamation of the 6th United Nations Environment Assembly (6 UNEA-6), for a 2-year term.

After being nominated as representative of the Continent, Leila Benali (Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development), was elected to the presidency. This was based on a majority vote that reflected wide support within the African group.

The United Nations Environment Assembly, a body of UN Environment Program (UNEP), is the highest authority on all matters relating to the environment in the UN system.

Morocco will assume the presidency for the first-ever of this international forum on the environment. It is the most important high level global forum on the topic and its mission is to discuss and make global environmental protection commitments.

In a statement addressed to the assembly Benali expressed her gratitude to the countries for their confidence and trust in Morocco. She also stated that it was an honor to assume this responsibility.

It is an honor for Morocco and all of Africa. The official expressed her gratitude to Espen Barth Eide Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway for his leadership and his contributions to advancing discussions on all issues in the framework of the Assemblys Agenda.

The official from Morocco highlighted the current environmental crisis and stated that the threshold of irreversibility would soon be crossed if there is no immediate action.

“In a spirit of continuity and efficiency, we want to consolidate the achievements of our predecessors and accelerate the implementation of resolutions already adopted. We want to contribute effectively to the achievement of the sustainable development goals agreed upon years ago,” she said.

She stressed the importance of translating resolutions into concrete actions, beginning with those related to plastic pollution and chemical products wastes. It is important that citizens around the world feel the benefits of the solutions. This is their right to a sustainable planet.

The official from the government also affirmed her determination not to stop working with all regions in order to consolidate UNEA’s authority as an institution that sets the global environmental agenda.

“In addition to efficiency, the key to our success lies in the partnerships we will succeed in forging between governments, the private sector and civil society,” she added, stressing the importance of multilateral cooperation and international solidarity in the fight against environmental challenges.

Morocco seems to have gained the trust of the international community because of its leadership in environmental protection and its ambitious clean-energy initiatives.

The consecration to Morocco, which is the outcome of intense diplomatic mobilisation, strengthens the strategy for the Kingdom to ensure greater visibility on the international stage and an influential presence, in line with the high royal guidelines.

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