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Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force
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Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force

Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force is an all-volunteer group that advises the City and the community about sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction. NEST was established in 2018 and made an official City task force in 2018. They currently have 50 volunteers, including scientists, engineers, doctors, computer programmers, and other professionals.

Sustainability means leaving behind a world that offers future generations opportunities and resources. Their volunteers educate, advise, and research issues related to Energy, Waste, Transportation, Building & Development, and Natural Resources. Volunteer teams meet at minimum once a month. They aim to improve air quality, reduce waste, make buildings more energy-efficient, transition to renewable energy and electric cars, and increase biodiversity within the frameworks of equity and justice. These efforts will make Naperville a more livable place and save the City money in many cases.

Climate change is a real threat to Naperville. Naperville government, residents, and businesses both contribute to climate change and can be part of the solution, so NEST prepared a guide for the City on greenhouse gas reduction, “Sustainable Naperville 2036.” City Council adopted many of the reports recommendations at an August 31, 2021 Sustainability Workshop. NEST volunteers have been assisting with data, best practices, research, and data collection for many of the City’s initiatives. Examples of projects include the Naperville Renewable Energy Program update, building codes for electric vehicle infrastructure, and native plantings.

NEST volunteers are available to educate the community through presentations, social media and their website. They believe that Naperville must be open to the possibility of making rapid progress towards reducing our climate change contributions and achieving net-zero greenhouse gases emissions.

Please visit NESTContact the organization today to learn more, register for their monthly meetings and/or request a speaker from Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force.

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Catherine Clarkin, Chair

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