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New book suggests that businesses should focus on environmental, social and governance metrics to increase resilience.
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New book suggests that businesses should focus on environmental, social and governance metrics to increase resilience.

New Delhi:Global warming, black-swan events, and the Covid-19 pandemic, among others, have all tested businesses’ resilience. Most business failures are caused by external factors, such as bad government regulations, poor infrastructure, and adverse business cycles.

Mukund Rajan & Col. Rajeev K, who in their book, Outlast, You can write about how scoring high on ESG environment, social and governance metrics can help businesses build resilience to survive and outlast their competitors.

This book is being credited as the first Indian-authored book about the subject. It provides a comprehensive overview of common issues faced by businesses and how to address them.

Published by HarperCollins India Outlast will be released on SoftCover ThePrint’s e-venue to launch select non-fiction books on 24 February, at 1 PM.

To “outlast” competition, build resilience, gain competitive advantage and achieve greater returns in the long run, businesses must improve their performance on ESG metrics, write the authors. They also discuss what constitutes ESG environmental impacts, such as their use of natural resources, waste discharge, carbon emissions, and social factors such as ties to local communities, diversity, inclusion, and building good reputation with stakeholders. Governance, such as board effectiveness protocols and how senior executives are compensated and the appropriate reliance upon independent directors, is also covered.

Follow the ESG mantra

They write that these benefits include lower cost of operations and risk, better employee productivity, and higher consumer interest.

This book is timely for anyone who works in the corporate world or wants to. Praising the book, George Serafeim, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, has said, “Creating prosperity requires business leaders to build trust in their organizations. Outlast provides valuable insights on how to do so in a context where environmental, social and governance issues are becoming increasingly important.”

Mukund Rajan is the chairman of ECube Investment Advisors. This pioneering platform aims to improve ESG. Col. Rajeev Kul is a strategist and fellow of the International Association of Business Communicators.

These two share their extensive experience in working for some the largest Indian organisations to present evidence and case studies to show why ESG is the mantra that will be the future.

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