After completing their detailed assessment of the nuclear reactor design, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), and the Environment Agency (EMA) have confirmed that the UK Hualong Pressurised Water Reactor (UK HPR1000), is suitable for construction in the UK.
The UK HPR1000 is based upon the Hualong One powerplant, designed and built by China General Nuclear Group (CGN).
ONR (or the Environment Agency), the regulators that carry out the Generic Design Assessment of new reactor designs are satisfied that the reactor meets regulatory expectations for safety, security, environmental protection at this stage.
In a process known as Generic Design Assessment, regulators evaluate the acceptability and safety of new nuclear power plant designs. This ensures that all new nuclear power stations in the UK comply with high standards of safety and security.
ONR has issued a Design Confirmation(DAC) and the Environment Agency a Statement of Design Adacceptability (SoDA), to China General Nuclear, EDF, and General Nuclear International Ltd, who are the partners in this GDA of UK HPR1000.
Saffron Price Finerty, Nuclear Regulation Manager at Environment Agency, stated:
The Environment Agency is responding to the climate crisis as a priority. This is reflected in our plan EA2025, Creating a Better Environment. The UK is committed to decarbonizing its energy supply and nuclear power is an important element of the Government’s energy policy to create a net zero future. Through our regulation and advice, the Environment Agency plays a key role in ensuring that new nuclear power plants meet high standards of environmental protection.
We have done a thorough assessment of the UK HPR1000, and we are satisfied that it can meet our high standards. This is why we have issued a Statement of Design Acceptability (UK HPR1000) to the partners in this design: China General Nuclear Ltd., EDF Ltd., and General Nuclear International Ltd.
It is a credit the hard work of all those involved in this assessment, in China, France and the UK, that this work program has been completed within the timeframe that was proposed in January 2017. I would also like to thank everyone who participated in our public consultation and made comments that we have carefully considered when making our decision.
Mark Foy is ONRs Chief Nuclear Inspector.
After thorough and detailed assessments by a range of my specialist inspectors, we have approved the UK HPR1000 Design for deployment in the UK.
The assessment reports and details of regulatory decisions are available on the regulators’ websites.