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New Program Recognizes Craft Beverage Environmental Leaders in New Hampshire – NECN
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New Program Recognizes Craft Beverage Environmental Leaders in New Hampshire – NECN

New Hampshire has a program to recognize environmental leaders within the craft beer industry.

The Sustainable Craft Beverage Recognition Program was established to recognize producers who conserve resources and prevent pollution.

The Department of Environmental Services explains that it is a voluntary program for producers who “go beyond and beyond to produce high-quality, eco-friendly craft drinks.”

Producers must submit information about an initiative that has reduced the amount of water and energy used, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. To be considered for admission, producers must submit applications.

Membership includes state recognition, technical support, and networking opportunities. Members will be featured on both the New Hampshire Brewers Association Beer Trail Map as well as the New Hampshire Sustainable Craft Beverage program Member Map.

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