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New staff climate survey to help UW evaluate workplace environment · The Badger Herald
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New staff climate survey to help UW evaluate workplace environment · The Badger Herald

New staff climate survey to help UW evaluate workplace environment · The Badger Herald

The University of Wisconsin invites staff to participate in the Staff Climate SurveyAdministration by the UW Survey Centerto gain a better understanding of the campus’ work environment.The survey will include approximately 16,800 permanent academic and university staff. A few appointees without faculty appointments and post-doctoral fellows can also be invited to participate.Greg BumpIn an email statement to The Badger Herald

Bump stated that the survey asked staff members to share their opinions about the work environment, including their relationship with their supervisors, work units, and their views on remote work.

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According to the Office of the Provost, the survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Staff members should be allowed to take the survey even if they are not in pay status. The survey is confidential, and all questions are optional.

Bump stated that UW will share the results of the survey in fall 2022 and will analyze them during summer 2022. This will preserve the confidentiality of survey respondents.Bump states that the survey’s purpose is to gather feedback from as many staff as possible in order for them to understand the data, identify trends, and create a community where everyone feels included and can succeed.

Faculty StudentsPrevious respondents provided their input on campus climate in separate surveys.

Bump said that the data from the survey will be helpful in the development of policies that are most appropriate for UW staff.

Bump stated that the survey results will reveal what is working well and what can be improved. Survey results will inform decisions and help shape policies and practices that create an environment where everyone feels valued.

UW employees identify as white majority. This trend has slowly declined over the past decade. according to UW’s 2019-2020 Data Digest. Bump stated that the survey’s end includes demographic questions that give context to how people from different backgrounds and identities experience working in the UW.

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According to the Office of the Provost, the survey is available in English and Spanish as well as Tibetan, Chinese, and Nepali. Multilingual sessions are available for staff who need assistance in completing the survey. Cultural Linguistic Services.

The survey opened on April 12, and will remain available for staff up to May 3. It is possible to access it accessedOnline via email link or in printed form

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