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New York female Park Police, Forest Rangers, and Environmental Officers Wanted
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New York female Park Police, Forest Rangers, and Environmental Officers Wanted

STATEN ISLAND (N.Y.) — New York wants more women in state law enforcement and environmental jobs.

Governor Kathy Hochul announced that both the Department of Environmental Conservation and Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation joined the ranks of State Police and other police departments in the country, signing the 30×30 pledge to increase the number of women in state positions.

The Pledge 30×30A series of actions taken by police agencies to increase the number of women working in law enforcement. These activities assist agencies in assessing the current state and developing strategies to remove barriers that prevent women from advancing in policing.

Hochul stated that New York’s police agencies are stronger when they reflect the diversity and needs of the New Yorkers they serve. I applaud DEC/State Parks for their important commitment in recruiting more women into their ranks. I encourage anyone who is interested to take advantage this opportunity to make a profound, positive impact on the lives and lives of others by joining the law enforcement community.

The Pledge is the foundational work of the Initiative 30×30– A coalition of professional organizations, researchers, and police leaders who have joined forces to improve the representation and experience of women in all ranks within the United States police force.

The 30×30 initiative is affiliated with the Policing Project at New York University School of Law, and the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives.

The 30×30 Initiative aims to reach 30% of female police recruit classes by 2030 and to ensure that policing agencies truly reflect the jurisdiction they serve.

In March, Governor Kathy Hochul AnnouncementNew York State Police made the pledge to increase the number of female Troopers. More than 160 agencies signed the 30×30 Promise, including major metropolitan departments such as the New York City Police Department.

We are grateful for DEC and state Parks being among the first in the country to pledge to be part of this growing movement. We strongly believe that improving public safety outcomes can only be achieved by advancing women in police work. We look forward for more agencies to follow the DEC/state Parks lead by signing this pledge and improving the representation, experiences, and outcomes of women in police work.

More information about DECs Division of Law EnforcementAnd Division of Forest ProtectionVisit

Visit the New York State Park Police website for more information


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