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Oakland officials released Friday morning the final environmental impact report on A’s Howard Terminal development and new stadium.

The California Environmental Quality Act requires the submission of a report that analyzes the potential effects of the project upon the environment.

The final report does NOT include significant changes to the draft version. This means that the report will not need to be recirculated. The draft version received more than 400 comments, which were answered by city staff.

Mayor Libby Schaaf stated in a statement that “Releasing our final Environmental Impact Report is a major step on our path to building a new waterfront baseball park district that will create up 18 acres of beautiful public green spaces, more affordable housing, good jobs for Oaklanders”

Schaaf stated, “The 3,500-page document ensures that this project is sustainable and environmentally safe.”

The mayor stated, “The completion the EIR also keeps me on track to bring it for a final ballot to the City Council 2022 — which brings us one step closer towards keeping our beloved A’s rooted here in Oakland.”

Dave Kaval, A’s president also called the publication of the report a landmark. The report was three years in preparation. He said that the team still needs to hear from Oakland’s elected officials as soon as possible.

The A’s may also consider moving the team from Atlanta to Las Vegas, opening up possibilities for the team in both of these cities. He stated that both paths have momentum.

Kaval said that the A’s are nearing the end of selecting a Las Vegas site. He believes it will be announced within the next month.

He stated that the A’s want to be in a place where they can find a new home quickly.

Kaval stated, “We don’t have another year or so to wait.” “We have been waiting a long while.”

The lease of the Oakland Coliseum by the A’s expires in 2024.

City officials will recommend to Oakland Planning Commission that it certifies the report, and then send it to City Council for approval.

The recommendation will be considered by the Planning Commission on January 19, and the City Council could approve it in February.

The approval process for the entire project includes an environmental review, project review, and agreement. The approval process is far from over for the A’s and the city.

The final environmental impact reports would be approved by the Environmental Review Committee.

City officials are awaiting the A’s to revise the plans and submit them to the city in the context of the project review process. They are currently drafting and negotiating project agreements that are financial in nature.

Separately the Port of Oakland published a list of measures on Friday to ensure that the new ballpark does no harm to port operations, including land operations. Officials from the Port recommend that all 21 measures be adopted by city officials.

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