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More than 750 volunteers collected trash at 10 different watershed locations in San Marcos on March 5th, during the 37th Annual Great Texas River Cleanup.

San Marcos residents, including students and citywide organizations, gathered trash bags to do their part in conserving the city’s natural beauty.

The event was coordinated by the city and a number of local businesses and organizations, including the Greater San Marcos Partnership and Sur-Powr Battery.

Jesse Garza, who works in geographic information system for the city’s public service complex, was able to participate in the clean-up for the first time this season. Garza assisted with the cleanup at Sink Creek’s watershed location. Although the area isn’t directly near the San Marcos River but it does have trash and debris that eventually end up in the river from rainfall and runoff so it was equally important for the area to be kept clean.

Garza stated, “What goes here flows there.” “I was surprised that they’re out there,” Garza said. [so far from the river]I don’t think so, but technically everything flows back to the river. We can’t see all of the stormwater infrastructure.”

The city was littered with hula hoops, harmonicas, and even horseshoes. One group even found an entire skeleton of an animal in a nearby park.

Pollutants and litter not only affect river beauty but also water quality. Microplastics are one of the main culprits in deteriorating water quality. Microplastics are smaller than 5 millimeters in size and occur when larger plastics such as plastic wrappers, tires, and even polyester fabric, are broken down into smaller pieces.

These microplastics are often too small for us to see and can easily get washed away in rivers and other waterways. A high concentration of microplastics can damage aquatic ecosystems, as well as endangered species.

“Fibres that are 100% cotton or 100% hemp, or any other plant-based fibers, will naturally degrade. It is worth looking into if you have polyethylene, which is a type or plastic fiber. Emma Parsley, sustainability coordinator at Texas State, said. These fibers will be visible when you wash your clothes. These microplastics around polyester will eventually end up in waterways. This is just one example. They are difficult to capture in water sanitation centres because they are so small.

Rainwater erodes plastic, just like clothes washing. Volunteers and organizations work together to clean up rivers and reduce the environmental damage that plastic can cause.

Grace Vitale (a sophomore in exercise science and sports science) participated in the cleanup with Pre-Physical Therapy Organization. She’s been a member of the organization since the fall of 2020.

Vitale joined nine other members of the group to volunteer at the Cottonwood Creek watershed near Tanger Outlets. Here they found Styrofoam and beer bottles as well as discarded clothing. Vitale enjoyed the experience, despite the fact that the terrain was difficult.

Vitale said, “I was getting scratched up by fire ants and it was very muddy. However, it was a great opportunity to bond with my organization.” We were all exhausted, but we don’t have many opportunities to have events like these where we are doing good and also socializing.

Every spring, the Great Texas River Cleanup is held. Other river cleanups in San Marcos can also be done throughout the year by organizations such the San Marcos River Foundation, and the City of San Marcos.

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