NORWALK The city intends to use more than $6 million from its American Rescue Plan Act funds in the future to support green infrastructure and sustainability.
In a presentation provided to the Common Councils Economic and Community Development Committee, head of economic and community development Jess Vonashek outlined the four different city sectors that will receive green infrastructure through ARPA: Business support, walkability/connectivity, environmental/green space/livability and housing.
Vonashek explained that of the more $39 million in ARPA funds the city will receive, $6.7 million or 17 % will be used to support Norwalk’s economic growth.
Vonashek stated that we looked at many different plans and studies and found over 150 projects through those plans. We will be able advance more than 90% of these efforts by using different funding sources. We are in a great spot to be able move forward with a number economic and community-development efforts. We are trying to build healthy neighborhoods.
Of the $6.7 million appropriated for community development, $3.4 million will go toward business support, $1.9 million for walkability/connectivity, $995,000 for environmental/green space and $120,000 for housing, Vonashek said.
The council allocated about $2 million to ARPA funds in December. Supporting local nonprofitsAnd several other thousands to get you started. Program for small business loans.
The $1.9 million that was appropriated will be divided among four projects to improve connectivity and walkability.
Vonashek indicated that $250,000 will be allocated to the Wall Street second and third phases. About $1 million will be used for sidewalks and bike lane construction in the city.
Vonashek stated that $250,000 will go to the Complete Street Plan, which is intended to improve accessibility and ease of use for all road users including pedestrians and bicyclists.
ARPA money will also be used to hire a transportation, mobility, and parking project manager for three years. This will help plan and coordinate such ARPA-funded projects.
Vonashek explained that ARPA allows us three years to hire a project manger to be able and support all this work.
Due to ongoing projects, an additional $3.9million is already being used for walking and biking in the city. ARPA will split the $995,000 between five projects to support environmental and green space projects.
Vonashek announced that the tree management program, which will catalogue and work to expand the city’s tree canopy, as well as the tree planting programme will receive $150,000 each and $500,000 respectively.
$150,000 will go towards the development of a climate plan, while $70,000 will go towards an economic analysis of the Maritime Aquarium. A harbor use plan will also be funded with $125,000
Vonashek stated that we were discussing transient moorings, and a lot of different ways to use the harbor. However, this would allow us to identify funding streams and recommendations to move the matter forward. So we would work with Harbor Commission to do that.
Vonashek stated that the $120,000 allocated to housing will be used to fund an affordable housing program. A request for proposals is being prepared for companies to develop an affordable housing plan. It will be available sometime in February.
Vonashek said that even though housing is not on the list, it is still getting a lot attention through other funding streams.