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Oakland releases Environmental Impact Report on new A’s waterfront baseballpark
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Oakland releases Environmental Impact Report on new A’s waterfront baseballpark

new Oakland ballpark
new Oakland ballpark

The OaklandPublished a Final Environmental Impact ReportFor more information, please visit: proposed Oakland A’s ballpark and development At the Site at downtown Howard TerminalThe final version of the report was accepted with no significant changes to the earlier draft.

You can find all 3,500 pages here. The final report was not subject to any major changes. As reported in Chapter 2, though responses to the 400 comments submitted on the draft were added: “The Project applicant has not submitted any changes to the proposed Project or variants analyzed in the Draft EIR. This section discusses updated or new information that has been made public by the Project applicant, City, or Port of Oakland (Port), that is related to the Project, any associated approvals or requirements, and other information in the Draft EIR. Although none of the updates discussed here are changes to the proposed Project or the Draft EIR that could result in changes to the environmental analysis in the Draft EIR under CEQA, the City has decided that these changes warrant disclosure in this Response to Comments document for informational purposes for the public and decision-makers of the Project.”

The bottom line is Mayor Libby Schaaf in a statement accompanying the release, is that the report should allow the A’s project to move forward:

The final Environmental Impact Report was released. This is a significant milestone on our journey to build a new waterfront park district. It will create up to 18 acres worth of beautiful public parks, more affordable housing and good jobs for Oaklanders. The document of 3,500 pages is detailed and comprehensive. It assures that the project can be sustained and is safe for the environment. The completion of the EIR also keeps us on track to bring the project for a final vote to the City Council in 2022–and brings us one step closer to keeping our beloved As rooted in Oakland.

According to a city press release, the city can now issue the report for certification. First, the Oakland Planning Commission will hold a public hearing about the Final EIR on January 19, 20,22 at 3:00 p.m. The hearing will determine whether the Final EIR was completed in compliance of State law, represents an independent analysis of City and provides sufficient information to decision makers and the public regarding the potential adverse effects of the Project as well as possible mitigation or avoidance strategies. After receiving a recommendation by the Planning Commission, Oakland City Council will consider certifying the Final EIR at a later hearing, which is likely to take place in February 2022. Although a yes vote on the certification of the EIR doesn’t mean that the project has been approved, it is an important first step before approvals for the City and Port can be considered or granted.

In 2022, there will be many more approvals from the city.

The East Oakland Stadium Alliance responded immediately to the release of the report. Mike Jacob, Vice President of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and General Counsel:

Over the next weeks, our coalition will thoroughly review the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). This will determine if it addresses the serious concerns raised by hundreds of Oakland residents, businesses, labor leaders, government agencies, and others, or if it remains a seriously flawed document.

“During the Draft EIR phase, our coalition and others submitted detailed comments urging the City to revise and recirculate the Draft EIR, which was inadequate on numerous fronts, but that request was ignored. It is also troubling that the FEIR was released just before the holidays, when Port stakeholders are working around the clock to keep goods moving during an unprecedented supply chain crisis and community advocates are focusing on issues like feeding and housing those in need.”

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About Kevin Reichard

Kevin Reichard is the founder of Ballpark Digest and its publisher.

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