OECS Member States, which are Small Island Developing States (SIDS), are especially vulnerable to climate change. OECS Member states are working to transform their economies and advocate for global change in order to address this challenge.
Friday, January 28th, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Commission hosted a Council of Ministers Environmental Sustainability meeting with Dr. Frank Rijsberman, Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute.
Dr. Didacus Jules, OECS Director General, welcomed Dr. Rijsberman to the meeting in a welcome address.
to the Commission and expressed deep gratitude for GGGI’s dedication and work in the Region.
Dt Jules said that this is a crucial meeting. We can exchange views with him and see how the engagement of GGGI will aid us in our ambitions on climate change.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Rijsberman stated that he has a long history of personal engagement with the Caribbean. I have visited many of the countries in the region, and when I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Jules, we were keen to establish a partnership.
GGGI currently runs country programs in 41 countries. The Institute’s primary objective is to promote inclusive, strong, and sustainable economic development in emerging and developing countries.
Recognizing their common objectives, OECS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with GGGI in 2018. GGGI then opened a Saint Lucia office at OECS Commission headquarters. OECS became the first region member of GGGI in 2019. The two organisations now work closely together to support the achievement of national and regional goals.
GGGI has been involved in several Regional Projects and Programmes within the OECS. These include:
Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP).
Dominica: Development of a National Financing Vehicle
The Eastern Caribbean Green Entrepreneurship Initiative
The Green Growth Performance Measurement
Mobilizing International Climate Finance and Private Investments for low-Carbon Development in Saint Lucia
Energy Regulation in the Caribbean: Support
Support for Investment Mobilisation in the Caribbean
Honourable Eric Evelyn (Chair of the OECS Council of Ministers on Environmental Sustainability) and Minister for St. Kitts and Nevis Environment Cooperatives), welcomed the fact that GGGIs Regional Interventions aims to reduce energy and housing cost for OECS Citizens.
Reducing the cost of electricity, I think this is something St. Kitts and Nevis will be very, very interested in, I think all of the OECS Countries will be… Getting housing affordable in terms of greening would make it even more attractive for persons who do not have a lot of money, Evelyn noted. Dr. Rijsberman was the final speaker.
Dr. Jules signed The Eastern Caribbean Regional Planning Framework. This five-year planning strategy and engagement strategy outlines the strategic initiatives GGGI aims at pursuing in the Eastern Caribbean.
Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, Honourable Sir Molwyn Joe, Antigua and Barbudas Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment, made the concluding comment that: We must appreciate that there is a window of opportunity for turning this thing around [climate change]It is important to direct more resources towards the Small Island Developing States.
The Global Green Growth Institute is a treaty-based, international, inter-governmental organization that is dedicated to promoting and supporting strong, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth for developing and emerging countries.
The organisation, which is now 10 years old, has 41 courtries around the world and is headquartered Seoul, Republic of Korea.
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