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P.E.I. Environment Canada warns that the P.E.I. could experience 8 hours of freezing rain
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P.E.I. Environment Canada warns that the P.E.I. could experience 8 hours of freezing rain

P.E.I. could see 8 hours of freezing rain, warns Environment Canada

P.E.I. The weather is expected to be rough with Environment Canada forecasting four- to eight hours of freezing rain by Friday afternoon.

The weather agency raised its special weather warning to a freezing rain warning on Thursday morning.

Jay Scotland, CBC meteorologist said Friday morning looks “a bit messy.”

He said that an approaching storm system would see wet snow arrive late tonight and overnight, mixing with frozen rain into Friday morning.

All three P.E.I. counties have been issued a freezing rain warning counties. (CBC)

“As far as possible amounts and timing go, anywhere from a trace to as high as five centimetres of snow can be expected before the switch to icy mixture then rain. Two-to-six hours could see that rain as freezing rain.

He stated that most areas would see rain by noon Friday. However, he warned that freezing rain could persist into the afternoon in certain areas (especially those in the northern regions) before the surface temperature rises above the freezing point.

A storm system is approaching that will bring wet snow to the area late Friday night and overnight. It will then mix with ice pellets, causing freezing rain on Friday morning. (CBC)

Scotland stated that wind gusts could reach speeds of up to 70 km/h early in the afternoon and 50 km/h in morning.

He stated that his main concern was for icy surfaces, including sidewalks and walkways.

“Outages can also occur when there is a danger of prolonged freezing rain. Friday’s gusty southeasterly breeze adds to this concern. The ground is still partially frozen, which means that flooding in the local area is possible. If your basement is susceptible to flooding, keep an eye out.

Scotland warned Islanders that forecasting freezing rain can be “very tricky” and advised them to check for delays or cancellations before they set out to work Friday morning. If possible, avoid driving on the roads.

Jay Scotland, CBC meteorologist, says that while most areas should see a transition from freezing rain to rain by noon in most cases, some areas… may experience freezing rain persist until the afternoon. (CBC)

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