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PhD Candidate in Sustainable Built Environment Job at NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY – NTNU
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PhD Candidate in Sustainable Built Environment Job at NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY – NTNU

About the position

We have a vacancy for a a PhD in sustainable built environment, focusing on Information chain for synergetic utilization of resources for built environment at Department of manufacturing and civil engineering- Civil engineering and Geomatic group.

The goal of a PhD Candidate is to have completed doctoral education and a doctoral degree.

The person hired will specifically focus on information chain and work with the LIFELINE-2050 project, as it is the LIFELINE-2050 project that funds the PhD position.  

The LIFELINE-2050 project aims to optimize the utilization of resources in a synergetic way during the life cycle of built environments, this includes the design, construction, operation, and demolition phases. 

LIFELINE-2050 project at the Centre for Green Shift within the Built Environment

Centre for Green Shift within the Built Environment (GREEN2050).’s Faculty of Engineering has just established a new centre called ) The centre is designed to facilitate collaboration between academia, industry and academia. It will serve as a hub to accelerate existing, planned, or new projects. The goal is to make the built environment carbon neutral by 2050.  GREEN2050 will conduct research of excellence and train candidates with high levels of digital- and sustainability expertise ready to make the green shift.

The centre is a major focus area in the area of resource efficiency. Under the umbrella GREEN2050, seven PhD positions are being funded for the LIFELINE-2050 project: Optimal Utilization to Neutral Climate Built Environments in Europe by 2030-2050. LIFELINE-2050 aims to maximize the use of our limited resources (i.e. materials, water and energy, ICT, space, and people) during the entire life cycle (i.e. design, construction, operation and demolish phases) for built environments in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The main purpose of LIFELINE-2050 project is to develop a holistic evaluation framework, digital optimization toolbox, and education-innovation center for achieving resource efficient built environments (e.g., university campus, district areas) that are complex and resource-intensive sociotechnical system need to be holistically optimised. The six departments of Engineering at NTNU will be collaborating on the LIFELINE-2050 PhD project. This multidisciplinary team will cover a variety of resources, including material, water and space, energy, ICT and human. Each PhD will focus on one or two resources, and collaborate with other candidates to create a holistic framework and a digital toolsbox. This hub will help optimize the utilization of resources within built environments.

About the research topic 

Crossing it life cycle (design, construction, operation, renovation and end of life), building generates large amount of data which act as a type of asset could leverage great value to all stakeholders. With the help of smart sensors and devices, cloud platform and digital twin environment, construction industry is able to move towards a data driven ecosystem.  Current information on resource use and its consequence at sustainability perspective are fragmented. To keep the updated building information, especially for circularity, all related information on material, energy and water use need to keep integrated and updated at building information modelling.  Furthermore, all these relevant information should be fused in effective and secure way. In this context, the main objective of this PhD position is to develop effective and secure approaches to fusing semantic and non-semantic information crossing whole life cycle of buildings.  

You will report to the head department

Duties of the job

  • Developthe effective scientific approaches to ensure a high level of integrity of multi-resource information of building (BIM, IoT, reports etc.) 
  • Create building information chain models for synergy the resource of building crossing the life cycle for selected cases from the projects pilots. 
  • Participate in developing new education materials based on the research findings. 
  • Collaborate closely with the other PhD candidate in the LIFELINE-2050 project. 
  • Publicize your research results in at most three internationally recognized peer reviewed journals 

Criteria for selection

  • You must have a professionally relevant background in Architecture, Building and Planning, Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Building information modelling, construction engineering and management, Computer Science and technology 
  • Your education must match a five-year Norwegian degree program. Master’s credits are earned at master’s levels.
  • You must have a strong academic record from your previous studies. You must have an equal academic basis if you don’t have letter grades from any of your previous studies. If you have a low grade background, you could be assessed if it can be shown that you are suitable for a PhD education.
  • For admission to the doctoral program at the faculty, you must meet these requirements
  • You have a solid background in building technologies, data analysis, as well architecture and construction. 
  • Knowledge and experience with building information modelling (BIM) 
  • Fluent English skills, written and spoken 
  • Ability to publish the research results in high reputation international journals. 

Non-English native speaker applicants who do not master in English or a Scandinavian language must provide evidence of good English language skills, written and spoken. These tests can be used for such documentation: TOEFL and IELTS or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (CPE) or Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE). Minimum scores are: TOEFL: 600 (paper-based test), 92 (Internet-based test); IELTS: 6.5, with no section lower than 5.5 (only Academic IELTS test accepted); CAE/CPE: grade B or A. In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to surrender formal documentation regarding language skills. In such cases, language skills of the candidates will be assessed during a personal interview.

The regulations in force regarding appointment procedures must be followed. State employees and civil servants and Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctorAnd research assistant  

Preferential selection criteria

  • Knowledge on ISO 19650 
  • Knowledge on information management 
  • Expertise and Knowledge in scanning to BIM
  • Norwegian or another Scandinavian language is required. 
  • Simultaneous mapping and localization (SLAM)
  • Experience semantic web

Personal characteristics

  • The candidate must be independent, have great work capacity and enthusiasm for research. 
  • The candidate will be expected to contribute to a positive research and work environment. 
  • The selection process will consider personal qualities such as creativity, analytical, structured reasoning, and the ability to execute projects.  
  • The applicant must be motivated to work closely with teams and external partners

We offer

Salary and conditions

PhD candidates are paid in code 1117. They usually earn NOK 491200 per annum before taxes, depending on their qualifications or seniority. As a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, 2% of the salary is deducted.

The period of employment is 3 years .

To be eligible for a PhD position, you must be admitted to the PhD program in Engineering within three months of your employment and participate in an organized PhD program during your employment period.

The regulations in force regarding State Employees and Civil Servants and the acts relating Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services, and Technology will be followed. Candidates who are found to be in conflict with the criteria of the latter law after a thorough assessment of their application and attachment will be denied entry to NTNU. After appointment, you should assume that there may have been changes in the work area.

It is a requirement that you are available to the institution every day.

About the application

English must be used for the application and supporting documentation.

Publications and other scientific works must be submitted in conjunction with the application. Please note that applications will only be evaluated if they are submitted by the deadline. It is important that you clearly show how your skills, experience, and qualifications meet the criteria. 

The following information must be included in the application: 

  • CV, certificates and diplomas 
  • Transcripts and diplomas for master’s and bachelor’s degrees. If you have not completed the master’s degree, you will need to submit a confirmation that your master’s thesis was submitted. 
  • A copy of your master’s thesis. If you recently have submitted your master’s thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Before you can accept the position, you must provide documentation of your master’s degree. 
  • Proposal for project  
  • Research plan 
  • Name and address for three referees 
  • If you have publications or other relevant research work 

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor’s and master’s education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found Here. If you already have a statement from NOKUT, please attach this as well.

Joint works will also be considered. If it is difficult for you to identify your contribution to the joint works, please attach a brief description.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. 

NTNU is committed in following the evaluation criteria of research quality according to The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment – DORA.

General Information

Working at NTNU

Diversity is the key to a great work environment. We encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, functional capacity, or cultural background. 

Gjvik is the city has a population of 30 000 and is a town known for its rich music and cultural life. The city’s beautiful natural surroundings are ideal for outdoor activities. The Norwegian welfare system, which includes healthcare, schools, kindergartens, and overall equality is perhaps the best in the world, is undoubtedly the best.

As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

Information Act (Offentleglova), your identity, age, position, and municipality may be publicized, even if you’ve asked not to be included on the list.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Associate Prof. Lizhen Huang, telephone +4740380958, email [email protected] .

Please submit your application electronically jobbnorge.noInclude your CV, diplomas, and certificates. Applications from other countries will not be accepted. For European Master Diplomas beyond Norway, a Diploma Supplement must be attached. Chinese applicants must provide confirmation of Master Diploma From China Credentials Verification.

If you are invited to interview, you will need to send certified copies your transcripts and letters of reference. When applying, please refer to the application number V-17/22.

Application deadline: 15.02.2022

NTNU – Knowledge for a Better Earth

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a university that creates knowledge and solutions for a better world.

Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering

Our expertise can help solve the most pressing social problem in the world: the development of sustainable solutions for industry and society. This profile includes research on industrial processes, the use of new and repurposed materials, and the application and modification of business models and organizational structures. The Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering is one of eight departments in the Faculty of Engineering.

Deadline 15th February 2022
Employer NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Municipality Gjvik
Scope Fulltime
Duration Temporary
Place of service Gjvik

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