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Portugal: ‘There will be no shortage of water’ for human consumption – environment agency
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Portugal: ‘There will be no shortage of water’ for human consumption – environment agency

The vice-president of the Portuguese Environment Agency has assured, in Tomar, that “there will be no shortage of water” for human consumption and welcomed the effect of contingency measures, pointing to the increase in capacity of almost a meter in Castelo do Bode reservoir.

Pimenta Machado spoke at the meeting of the Centre Regional Sub-Commission of the Commission for the Management of Reservoirs on Wednesday. He announced that the Regional Plan for Water Efficiency for the Tagus and Western Rivers regions will also be moving forward, just as in the Algarve or Alentejo.

Machado explained that the drought had caused the Castelo do Bode reservoir’s storage capacity to grow by 80 centimetres. This has resulted in an additional 10 cubic hectometres (or about 15 days) of water storage.

“There will be no shortage of water for our utility use, which is human consumption. There really won’t be. And nobody would forgive us” if there was, he said, at a meeting held in the Tomar Municipal Library (Santarm) and attended by almost 100 people (mostly online) from various institutions.

Pimenta Machado stated, “The weather forecasts allow us believe that levels in the northern basins of our country will recover, namely the Lima and Lindoso, Douro, and even the Zzere” and that there will be rain in South next week. He stressed that the Algarve is the area that raises more concern.

This is why it was the first to approve the Regional Plan for Water Efficiency. It also has funding of 200 millions euros guaranteed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. This will allow water savings in agriculture and in urban areas with higher levels water loss, he stated.

Pimenta Machado also stressed that another pioneering plan in the Algarve, the reuse of wastewater, both for golf courses, agriculture and washing, will also move forward in the Tagus and West, with the first initiative, which he considered symbolic, scheduled for World Water Day, March 22, when the “button will be pushed” that will allow watering all green spaces in the Parque das Naes, in Lisbon, with water that comes from Wastewater Treatment Plants.

He also reminded that Tejo Atlntico’s production license has been issued and that Lisbon City Hall is completing the license for use, for 1,200 cubic metres per Day of the Beirolas Wastewater treatment Plant to water the Parque das Naes gardens.

Pimenta Machado also said that a proposal is being prepared to “gain independence from Spain”, taking into account the “great dependence” in the stretch between Belver, Fratel and the mouth of the Zzere River, in Constncia.

Tomar’s meeting followed those in Algarve and Alentejo. The Northern sub-committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday in Ponte da Barca. The Coimbra meeting was scheduled for Thursday in Coimbra. This concluded the regional consultation round and led to a national meeting promoted and promoted by the ministers responsible for Environment and Agriculture.

Pimenta Machado welcomed the fact that these meetings were held on rainy days. She stressed that droughts are now structural and will require adaptation. This will include changes in demand, improving efficiency in agriculture and urban sectors, where losses can reach 60%.

As a goal he pointed to achieve 10% of reuse by 2025 (20% in the Algarve) and 20% in 2030, stating that it is unacceptable that regions with water shortages use “drinking water” to wash bins and streets or for irrigation.

On the other hand, he referred to the focus on desanilization, with the first “big plant” to be built in the Algarve by the end of 2025.

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