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Principal dismissed in protest at allegations of a hostile work environment
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Principal dismissed in protest at allegations of a hostile work environment

TAMPA, Fla. After allegations surfaced that Farnell Middle School principal in Tampa had created hostile work environments for some of his staff, he is now stepping down.

A consulting firm conducted an investigation and found that Tim Binder, the principal of the schools, had made claims.

What you need to know

  • Farnell Middle principal steps down following allegations of hostile work environment
  • According to an investigation by an outside company, claims were made against principal Tim Binder
  • MORE Education headlines

4 Hillsborough County Public Schools employees wrote to Addison Davis to express concerns about Binders’ alleged behavior. They claim that he would swear behind closed doors, and tell stories about the personal lives of other employees.

Binder was directed by a supervisor to return to his classroom and to resign as administrator. The report explains that Binder’s interactions were with adults, not students. Therefore, it would be better if he returned as a teacher. 

Tommy Arcuri, a student, stated that he should not have been dismissed from his job. There was no evidence to support this claim and that he was wrongfully accused.

Rocco Tomesi, Binder’s friend, stated that Binder was a great leader. He was also well-respected among the students.

Tomesi stated that he was always there to help you with anything, academics or sports.

Parents were informed on Thursday that Binder was stepping aside. 

I am very sad. Kerrie Adent, his parent, said that he is Farnells joy. Farnell Middle School is because of him. His first passion is the students. The students love him, and the faculty loves them, he said.

Students and parents have organized a protest for Friday afternoon. A petition asking Dr. Binder to be reinstated is also being circulated on social media.

Angela Wright, a parent, has been working closely with Binder as part of the PTA.

Wright stated that I believe everyone has something going on. 

It is unclear when Binder will be starting to teach or at what school. 

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