April 1, 2022 — Deadly human, animal, and plant diseases have been spreading around the globe. Spreading faster than everWe pollute, degrade forests and come into close contact with animal pathogens as we do. Covid-19 has infected more than 400 million people and killed 6 million. This makes it even more urgent to reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases.
While disease outbreaks are not uncommon, they are also quite possible. We are at a crucial point in historyClimate-caused disruptions that have adverse effects on ecosystems and other aspects of nature are a major risk to human health.
Ebola, HIV, yellow fever malariaAmong others, Nipah and many others have been This link is to forest clearance. So have diseases such a Lyme disease or West Nile virus disease in Europe or elsewhere.
Richard Ostfeld is a disease ecologist with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York. He says that biodiversity provides protection for both humans and animals against infectious and inflammatory illnesses. According to Ostfeld, the most vulnerable species are often found at the edges and edges of fragmented forests that are created when roads are built in them and land converted into farming. We can inadvertently harm those species that are able to protect us when we reduce biodiversity. Not only do we see an increase in the risk of new diseases transmitted to us, but also there is strong evidence that the same species are the best hosts of existing diseases.
Covid-19 has taught us that while vaccines, testing, and treatments can prevent death, they don’t stop the spread of virus across the globe and may never stop the emergence of new diseases. Aaron Bernstein, director at the Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health In a press statement. As we look towards the future, we cannot rely on only post-spillover tactics to protect us.
Here are nine ways you can reduce the risk for future diseases.
1. Protect Forests
Slowing deforestation, and rFuture pandemics can be prevented by preserving damaged land. This is because people come into close contact with wildlife, such as rodents, bats, and primates, who are more likely to spread viral diseases to humans.
It is Vital To protect the richnThe beauty of nature, Ostfeld:. The animal community is affected when natural habitats are destroyed or degraded. Rodents and bats are some of the most important hosts. Their predators and rivals are often driven away. They also have a tendency to invade human houses and fields. The loss of biodiversity can increase contact rates between rodents and bats and humans. Increasing the risk of spreading infectious diseases.

As cities and farmland eat into the forest edges, there is a greater chance that humans will come in contact with wild animals capable of transferring new diseases to us. Flickr| Flickr
Professor of ecology and chair of ecology, biodiversity and ecology at UCL in London, Kate Jones has demonstrated how biodiversity can act as a shield against diseases. Jones and colleagues gathered data from hundreds focusing on different ecosystems around the globe, including farms, forests, and urban areas. They discovered that the more people can catch diseases from the habitats that have lower biodiversity.
Bernstein states that medical care can help prevent pandemics and prevent deaths. However, it cannot stop the spread of virus or prevent the emergence new pathogens. A new analysis shows that he and other scientists agree on the importance of this.EntistsArguments in favor Pandemics must be stopped at the sourceA course of action such as reducing forest destruction would cost around US$20billion per year. This is just 10% of the annual economic damages caused by zoonoses. It would also save 5% on the loss of lives.
2. Climate Change: Take Action
Pandemic risk is directly linked to climate change Disabilities may be easier in warmer, wetter areas.eAse-carrying insects for adapting to and thEn breed and spread disZika is a mild, easy-to-use virus. dengue, chikungunya or malaria.

Increased spread of infectious disease can be caused by a warmer and more humid climate. Photo courtesy: Petty Officer 1st Grade Matthew Schofield U.S. Coast Guard Region 9
Climate Change Is likableelyAlter According to University of Toronto, human disease patterns can be fundamentally affected by insufficient control. Daniel Brooks, emeritus Professor, Author of The Stockholm Paradigm. It does not create dis.eAseItself, but increAses theRisk of developing diseases ThePlanet is a minefield full of evolutionary accidents just waiting to happen. Now [that]We are currently experiencing an accelerating climate change, so we should expect more emerging diseases.
Costa Rica is a great place to work.eBrooks, Arctic, and other colleagues have demonstrated how a warming world causes pathogens jump more frequently between hosts. This suggests that a Pandora’s box of unknown pathogens is about to open if we don’t act now. New beetles are arriving. SiberianAnd U.S. forestsNew ticks are threatening Alaska’s mammals; ecosystems are being destroyed by the Arctic CircleTo the equator are infested other insects.
World Health Organization (WHO).esearch suggests Climate change will result in an additional 250,000 deaths per yearIt can cause severe health problems such as malnutrition, diarrhea and heat stress, as well as malaria. It will also This can lead to complex ecosystem changesThat will impact the ability of organisms to thrive and vectors of infectious disease.
3. Stop Escapes
50 years ago, there were only a few medical research and military laboratories that could handle deadly diseases such as Ebola, HIV/Marburg, anthrax and SARS. There are now Worldwide, there are 59 high-level laboratories in operation or in development.This is because the risk of a pandemic arising from the accidental escape or inadvertent transmission of a pathogen from one of the hosts is being taken seriously. While security is tighter than ever, scientists are using more contentious methods to protect themselves. Gain-of function research,This is a group that focuses on the modification of pathogen traits.
Virus originseOften been Subjects of Conspiracy theoriesLynn Klotz is a senior science fellow at the non-profit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. The possibility of escape is real.. He claims that evidence is overwhelming that the world’s most secure labs are the source of disease outbreaks and accidents.

There are currently 59 maximum containment laboratories known as biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) labs worldwide. A pandemic could be triggered by the accidental escape of pathogens from one of these labs. Filippa lentzos. Photo. Click the map an interactive version.
Klotz OthersCite a variety of instances, including smallpox/foot and mouth disease outbreaks at the UK, SARS at China and Taiwan, as well as escapes from former-USSR military installations.
Many scientists believe that gain-offunction research is too risky. They also believe that accidents will always happen. Others call for greater safety standards in the global community. TheThere is a real risk of future pandemics from research using dangerous pathogens. Filippa Lentzos, co-director of the Centre for Science and Security Studies at Kings College, London, and Gregory D. Koblentz, associate professor and director of the Master’s in Biodefense at George Mason University, wrote in a 2021 article on The Conversation. They noted that according the Global Health Security IndexOnly about one-fourth (24%) of countries with high-level laboratories have achieved high biosafety scores and biosecurity scores. This is especially concerning given that gain-of-function research using coronaviruses will increase as scientists seek better understanding of these viruses and to identify which viruses are more at risk of passing from humans to animals.
4. Cities can be improved
CrowdEd cities, especially in warmer countries, can act as incubators for pathogens. Hot spots have been around for a long timeCholera and other diseases. They offer better health services than rural areas, but the spread of contagion is faster between people living in close proximity.

Better urban planning can help to control the spread and increase our ability for future pandemics. Photo iStockphoto.com/powerofforever
In an age where urban populations are growing, more than 1 billion people live and work in informal settlements. They share taps and latrines. It is essential to improve urban infrastructure. It is essential to reduce the risk of future pandemics.
Covid was vital for the evolution and growth of cities. It has shown the need for adequate housing and services. Covids’ overarching message is that affordable water, waste, and drainage are essential, according to Anna Walnycki of the International Institute for Environment and Development (an independent research organization based in London).
Residents already live in overcrowded housing and have limited access to water. [issues with]sanitation and hygiene as well as other services. She says that if cities don’t have adequate infrastructure, it is impossible to effectively target any disease.
Two other trends are increasing the risk of pandemics. Many wild animals, including squirrels, rodents and birds, are at risk of pandemics. Modern cities have been well adapted to their needs.Some of these can harbor dangerous viruses. And Exotic ownershipPeople are at risk of contracting pathogens.
According to Somik Lall, an economist at the World Bank, crowding increases disease contagion risks. In a July 2020 policy brief, the United Nations stated that cities must be rethought and transformed to address the reality of COVID-19, as well as potential future pandemics. They also need to be rebuilt in a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable manner. COVID-19 in Urban World
5. Limit Invasions
Many species of weeds and insects, each with their own pathogens or viruses, exist now. Spread by global tradeThere are many ways to make money from tourism, including by keeping pets, plants, and animals. Although most of these species can be easily escaped and adapted to their new environment, some may infect humans with new, deadly diseases, allergies or bites.

The Asian tiger mosquito, which is accidentally transported by shipping, is now a formidable carrier for infectious disease. Photo courtesy: Budak | Flickr
Pathogens and pestsToday, you can now hitchhike around the world unassisted on exotic plants and the backs your pet animals. At a cost of approximately $2.5 billion, invasive species are now threatening American and European forests, animals, and farmland. Millions of dollars annually.
Shipping containers accidentally contain Asian Tiger mosquitoes. In the last 30 years, they have explodedThis is the key to Epidemics of dengue fever and chikungunya, as well as West Nile virus have been reportedAfter being transported by boat and plane, tropical diseases like yellow fever and Zika are now invading new areas.
It is almost as if nature has been pushed forward. Over the last 200 years, the number and variety of biological species from other planets has increased steadily. We should expect more in near future. says researcher Hanno SeebensFrom the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt, Germany.
[M]Any invasive alien species that has spread sufficiently widely across multiple continents to be considered a pandemic could be considered. Philip HulmeIn a 2021 Bioscience article, Hulme, a distinguished Professor in the Bio Protection Research Center at Lincoln University in Canterbury, New Zealand. Hulme believes that there is a need for new international laws to address the growing pandemic threat posed by alien species.
Elena Tricarico, a biologist at the University of Florence in Italy and co-editor of Invasive Species and Human Health, argues that although it is impossible for us to inspect all the animals and plants transported around the world, we should learn to rely on the local resources.
ThHumans are being threatened by the increasing rate of introduction of new species. She says they pose a threat to human health and can cause allergies, poisoning, and even death.
6. Change farming
Oth and raising poultryer Animals on an industrial scalee is often indoors and in overcrowded squalid environments, which makes it easy for pathogens to spread between animals and then to humans. Avian flu viruses can be found Ability to easily spread between animals and jump to peopleThey are commonly found in poultry farms around the world and are likely to become a pandemic.
WHO investigators suggest that Covid-19 could have been related to intensive breeding of animalsMany animals are intensively reared in Southeast Asia’s many farms. Many times, they are not inspected and often in unhygienic environments. UN bodies, academics. RecognizeThere is a connection between intensive poultry farming and the emergence of highly pathogenic Avian Flu viruses. According to UN Food and Agriculture OrganizationA pathogen can become a hypervirulent disease agent. This is possible in monocultures that involve mass rearing of genetically identical animals selected for high feed conversion.
Intensive livestock farming has been implicated in major outbreaks in the past few decades. Q fever in The NetherlandsAnd Russia’s avian flu.
ScieCampaign and ntistsers: the The solution is to reduce dependence on industrial-scale farming. Largeintensivelivestock farms can result in spillover infections from animals to peoplewhile greater movement of animals and animal products have also contributed to the threat from emerging diseases, Mire Connolly is a professor of Global health and global development In the College of Medicine of Galway’s National University of Ireland. Horizon magazine,Last year.

The spread of avian flu can be facilitated by industrial poultry production. ArtistGNDphotography| ArtistGNDphotography
Industry and governments are often held responsibleWild birds are responsible for spreading avian influenza along migratory routes. The evidence is mountingFarms can also spell trouble. Marius Gilbert, an epidemiologist at Universit Libre in Bruxelles in Belgium and others Have been shownHow bird flu viruses are becoming more dangerous due to rapid intensification of poultry farming.
Intensive farming is a potential source of deadly new viruses. It must be reduced and rethought. says Robert WallaceAn evolutionary epidemiologist and public-health geographer, who believes that new strains of flu are adapting for industrial poultry production. These farms are now acting as their own reservoirs for influenza infiltration into poultry and industrial livestock. [of disease], He says. They are becoming their own sources.
7. Strengthen Trade Surveillance
Reptiles, birds, and mammals are all represented.eTradEED is a worldwide marketplace for food and pet supplies. The traffic is massive on a global scale. These are some examples of calculations that suggestEvery year, trades bring together 40,000 primates, 4,000,000 birds, 640,000 reptiles, 350,000,000 tropical fish, and 4 million live reptiles. This puts animals in direct contact with other species and could allow pandemic-scale disease to emerge, mutate, and cross to humans.

Civet cats, wild animals and other pets can spread emerging infectious diseases from their homelands to distant countries and continents. Photo iStockphoto.com / SPmemory| SPmemory
Wildlife markets Wet markets are culturally and nutritially important in many places. Bans could make it impossible to have markets. Making regulation and disease surveillance more difficult. However, the risk of disease transmission remains high and many animal conservation groups demand more surveillance of animal trade.
8. Connect with Nature
Spending time with natureBoth help to protect against mental and physical diseases such diabetes, obesity, ADHD and heart disease. They also strengthen the immune system. It is difficult to know exactly how nature works. However, there are many studies that have been done on outdoor activities like gardening, hiking and forest bathing. All confirmTh’s healing powere living world.
It is rare to do long-term studies., However, researchers Test people Both before and after experiences in the natural world have demonstrated that there are Many conditionssThe benefits of having contact with nature can be great.
Denmark found that people who live more than 1km (0.6 miles), from a natural green environment are considered to be “disabled”. More obeseThey are more likely to be closer than those who live farther away. Raf Aerts and colleagues, a biologist at The Belgian Institute of Health. DocumentedHow nature access is linked to lower mortality rates in the heart, lung, and cancer. One surveyA study of nearly 350,000 Dutch citizens’ medical records revealed that 15 illnesses were more common in those who lived close to green spaces than those who did not have access to them.

Research suggests that children who are exposed to microbes from nature can have a stronger immune system. Photo by Allan Mas | Pexels
Graham Rook, professor at UCL, London of medical microbiology Early exposure to organisms is a good idea.The presence of allergens in soil, water, and food helps the immune system recognize and respond to threats and allergies.
9. A New Approach
Monitoring of known disease hotspots and animals, better control over markets, trade, and vaccines are for everyoneWhile better understanding viruses and pathogens can help reduce the risk of infectious diseases, scientists are increasingly arguing that pandemic prevention is essential. A fusion of veterinary, human, and environmental knowledge.
Traditionally, doctors looked after human ailments, vets treated sick animals, and ecologists and conservationists took care of the natural environment. The interdependence between the three is often overlooked.
Richard Horton, author, editor in chief of The Lancet, said that disease does not appear out of nowhere. Our existence is at risk from the damage we do to our planet. We have failed to learn from past civilizations that the gains in health and well-being made over many centuries can easily be lost.
Horton and others pioneered the concept of Planetary HealthAnd One HealthThe idea that health of humans and other living beings should be considered in a holistic way, is called the. He says this is a good start to preventing future diseases.
Horton states that we have learned that diseases are increasingly caused by what people do in the natural world. Human disease cannot be considered apart from wildlife diseases. The same applies to wildlife diseases. If you can prevent the disease in an animal, it can be prevented in humans.
Covid-19 was not as prepared as HIV/AIDS, SARS/MERS, MERS, Nipah or any other major infectious diseases that have emerged over the past 50 years.
Although we can’t prevent all disease, we are finding out that pathogens will find new hosts in times of environmental change such as now. Also, that more pandemics like Covid-19 will be inevitable if the balance of nature is not maintained.
We can expect more diseases as our population grows. We have the power to choose. Protect nature or it will surely bite you back.
John Vidals Th.e Fevered Planet This was inspired from his original reporting for Ensia regarding the Covid-19 epidemic. Bloomsbury will publish the article.