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Quest headsets have a new update that lets you chill in a mountainside area
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Quest headsets have a new update that lets you chill in a mountainside area

Oculus Quest 2 share from iOS

Meta has created a virtual office environment that is accessible to all those who work in VR. You can now be transported to the Mountain Study environment as part of the v39 software upgrade for Meta Quest and Quest 2 VR headsets. This allows you to live in a house set in a valley surrounded with mountains.

A few other minor improvements and changes are also in the works In the updateThis will be gradually implemented over the next few days. You will be able send content from an iOS device’s share sheet to a Quest head-mounted headset. This will allow VR users to access content in a more intuitive way. Similar support was added for Android users in early 2022. This feature can be used by headsets that have Bluetooth enabled.

Oculus Quest 2 share from iOS

Select Oculus in the iOS sharesheet.
Image by Meta

Finally, multitasking features that were once hidden under the Experimental settings pane now make it easy to use. This feature allows you to switch between apps you have recently used in an interface that should not look unfamiliar if you are comfortable multitasking on a tablet or phone. Meta claims that there will be more improvements in this area over the next month.

Although this is a minor update to the software, I believe that it will provide me with plenty of exciting news. The big VR games showcase by Metas will take place on April 20th. We will be covering the most important announcements from the show, so keep checking back.

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