Already there are signs that the coup has led to an increase in illegal mining, logging, and regime economic policy is set to further the environmental destruction at the same time as activists and communities are unable or unwilling to resist.
Already signs were emerging that military rule could have devastating consequences for Myanmar’s natural environment within months of the February 2021 coup.
From the far northern Kachin State Reports began to emerge that illegal rare earth mining in remote territory controlled by a military-affiliated Border Guard Force had begun to ramp up. The region is one of the worlds major sources of several types of heavy rare earths, which are exported over the border to China for use in everything from electric vehicles to smartphones.
The mining process can be very harmful to the environment. Toxic chemicals are pumped through the mountains, and can seep into waterways. As one miner told Frontier last year, In the areas we worked on the mountains, theres nothing left, not even a small bird. Anything that drinks the liquid we put into the mountains will die. There is no way to live.
The news of illegal mining increasing in Myanmar was not unexpected for environmentalists. The previous military regime had facilitated the massive pillage of Myanmar’s natural resources in an attempt to make quick buck. History seems to be repeating itself. Although the civilian government failed to make a significant improvement in the situation, it had at most acted as an environmental brake and it was gone. Bad actors could quickly enter Myanmar due to the conflict, sometimes with tacit approval of military authorities.
According to Ja Hkaw Lu, of the Transparency and Accountability Network Kachin State, if we complain about illegal rare earth mines, the civilian government would immediately visit and investigate. The Irrawaddy last year. [Illegal miners]It used to be a good thing, but now it is completely out of control.
But environmental experts claim that environmental damage from the coup isn’t limited to rare earth mining in Kachin State. Satellite imagery revealed an acceleration in logging in a country where much of its pristine forest had been lost in recent decades. Global Witness is monitoring the situation. reported a sharp rise in illegal mining at Hpakant in Kachin State, which is famous for its jade.
Jack Jenkins Hill, an environmental researcher, has lived in Myanmar for seven years. He works with civil society organisations in Tanintharyi Region on land and forest tenure issues.
The military [is]He suggested that they are looking for resources that can be quickly converted into profits to fight their illegal warfare.

Destructive policies
The coup has resulted in environmental damage from illegal mining and logging. However, the regime’s economic policies also indicate that more problems are ahead.
Shortly after the coup, regime leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing began trumpeting plans for palm oil plantations and hydropower dams in environmentally sensitive locations, such as on the Thanlwin (Salween) River the last major undammed river in Southeast Asia and in heavily forested Tanintharyi Region.
Some of these plans have been stalled due to conflict, like Hatgyi megadam located in Kayin State. However, the regime is trying to move forward with projects that could cause environmental problems for locals in areas where conflict has subsided.
The junta in Rakhine State is an example. Designated the Kyaukphyu deep-sea port and the special economic zone a priority project from among 33 that were agreed during Chinese President Xi Jinpings visit in January 2020.
The project, which China considers a strategic priority to gain access to the Indian Ocean, was initiated by U Thein Sein. It was then renegotiated by Daw Aung San Suu Suu Cyis National League for Democracy administration.
Despite protests and calls from the National Unity Government to stop planned investments, the Chinese state-owned company CITIC has continued to push ahead with the project after the coup. The NUG stated in its investment guidelines that existing investments cannot be used to legitimize the junta or to support their oppression of the people of Myanmar.
Hatch, a Canadian company, was the project management consultant. CITIC hired Myanmar Survey Research to perform an environmental and social assessment (ESIA), for the proposed deep-sea port. The Chinese company will be opening a SEZ on February 10. .
According to a source familiar with the contract bidding process, companies with more experience in similar port projects dropped out of the running last fiscal year, before MSR was selected.
Experts believe the project is so large and has such important implications for the region that an ESIA would not be sufficient. Therefore, the developer should be required by law to do a more comprehensive strategic environmental assessment (SEA).
The ESIA now in place is much smaller in scope, according to Ms Laetitia Van den Assum, a former Dutch ambassador in Myanmar and member of the Advisory Commission on Myanmar State. This Commission recommended an SEA in its final report, in 2017.
She also questioned the regime’s ability to enforce community rights and environmental regulations in times of crisis.
Since Rakhine state is in existential crisis, I don’t understand how an ESIA or a strategic environment assessment can be considered.

Environmental defenders at risk
Environmentalists and activists had the ability to voice their disapproval of environmentally harmful practices under previous civilian governments. Thein Seins decision in September 2011 to suspend the Myitsone hydropower Dam was a significant step forward. It reflected a willingness to listen and consider the environmental effects of economic projects.
However, environmental defenders have been targeted by the regime since the coup as part of a wider crackdown on dissent.
Environmental Investigation Agency is a London-based environmental watchdog in a report last April that the work of civil society towards transparency in the forest sector have been destroyed overnight, with on-the-ground monitoring of illegal logging and illicit mining now almost impossible due to the juntas violence.
In June 2021, Ko Man Zar Myay Mon, a well-known environmental defender, was Shot by soldiers and detained in Sagaing Regions Chaung-U Township, where he had been leading protests against the military regime.
Three months later Ko Kyaw Min Htut (an environmental and democracy activist) was Arrest in Sagaing Region under section 50 of the Counter-Terrorism Law for allegedly funding groups designated by the military junta as terrorists. His wife and their two-year-old son, were also detained.
Man Zar Myay Mon and Kyaw Mi Htut were active participants in environmental groups and civil society. These included the Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability. (MATA), a network that includes over 400 CSOs throughout the country and the Myanmar arm to the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Jenkins Hill, an environmental researcher, said that at least 18 environmental activists have been detained in Myanmar since the coup. According to data from Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (rights group), more than 13,000 people have been arrested by the junta since then.
Jenkins Hill stated that communities are more afraid to speak out or assert control over their territory and biodiversity because they fear reprisals from the government. He pointed out the number of activists being detained and accused the regime to be waging war against the environment, as well as those who defend it.
Reversion to authoritarianism or totalitarianism, along with a civil conflict that needs quick money, are toxic ingredients. There are no more platforms for civil society to land and resource loss from extractive and/or agribusiness projects.
A Karen environmentalist, who requested anonymity because of security reasons, said that the coup had made it difficult for him to carry out environmental activities due to a variety of reasons. Apart from the increased security risks and escalating conflict in many areas of the country, members of environmental networks have been forced to flee to liberated zones under the control ethnic armed groups.
There are many difficulties when traveling due to [fighting]It is risky to meet with the local community. [as it]According to the Karen environmentalist, this will increase security risks for them as well as us.
Our network partners are Kachin, Karen Kayah, Mon, and Karenni [environmentalists], are busy with their own matters some of them have joined the revolutionary cause and some are in the liberated areas. As a result, monitoring in Myanmar is extremely difficult right now.
According to the environmentalist, they have instead concentrated on activities in areas controlled by ethnic armed groups, pointing out the recent recognition of five kawKaren customary lands) in 2 Karen National Union districts. Kaw can use their land for many purposes, including as a household residence, agricultural lands, or protected forests.
This story was made possible by UKaid, which supports climate change journalism and other environment-related journalism.