The Maryland Department of the Environment is holding a virtual public hearing at 5:30pm on March 30, 2022 to discuss proposed changes to Maryland’s water-quality standards in the Code of Maryland Regulations.
The Maryland Department of the EnvironmenMDE is currently conducting the 2019 Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards. MDE will propose changes to Maryland’s water quality standards as part of this review. These proposed changes will be published in a notice in the Maryland Register on March 11, 2022. This date (March 11, 2022) marks the start of the 30-day public comment period that will end on April 10, 2022.
Register for the virtual public meeting using the following information
Register URL
Webinar ID
1 866 901 6455
The proposed regulations are included in the March 11, 20,22 issue of the magazine Maryland Register Online.
MDE will also provide the proposed regulations on its website in advance of the public comments period. This allows interested parties additional time to review the changes and the supporting material. You can access the proposed regulation amendments, summaries, as well as other supporting materials, by visiting the MDE 2019 Triennial Review webpage.
You can submit comments during the public comment period at Timothy Fox[email protected]Or to the following address
Mr. Timothy Fox
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21230
Register to join the virtual public hearing
Visit the MDE 2019 Triennial Review Website.
Learn more about MDE.