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Rihanna’s Foundation donates $15 million to fight climate change
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Rihanna’s Foundation donates $15 million to fight climate change

Earth Black Box to Document Climate Crisis for Future Generations


Rihanna’s foundation, the Clara Lionel FoundationJust recently, $15 million was pledged to fight the climate crisis.

According to a Press releaseThe foundation will donate the money to 18 grassroots climate justice organizations with the goal of combating the Climate change is perpetuating inequality.

The money will go to “support entities focused on and led by women, youth, Black, Indigenous, people of color and LGBTQIA+ communities,” with a goal of combating climate change.

Funding organizations for the foundation include the Black Feminist FundThe Caribbean Youth Environment Network, Climate Justice Alliance, and the Indigenous Environmental Network.

The foundation Submitted, “Climate disasters, which are growing in frequency and intensity, do not impact all communities equally. The brunt of the damage is being borne by countries with low resources, communities of color, or island nations. To combat this inequity, funders must build partnerships with organizations, acknowledging their deep understanding of what is necessary to achieve climate justice in their own communities.”

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