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SAIL receives Golden Peacock Environment Management Award
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SAIL receives Golden Peacock Environment Management Award

The Institute of Directors awarded Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), the prestigious Golden Peacock Environment Management Award in the Steel Sector for the year 2021. For the third consecutive year, SAIL has been the recipient of this award.

This is testimony to the Company’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally responsible steelmaking.

SAIL is sensitive about global concerns regarding climate change. Carbon footprint reduction is an integral part of SAIL’s corporate policies. SAIL has taken major steps to reduce carbon footprints through the deployment of state-ofthe-art environment friendly technology and R&D with academic institutes of repute.

Companies’ environmental protections efforts are focused on implementing various environmental measures, such as upgrading pollution control facilities, water conservation efforts with the aim of achieving Zero Liquid Discharge, efficient disposal of different solid wastes (viz. process waste, hazardous, canteen/township, and carbon sequestration by afforestation, ecorestoration of mined areas, etc.

SAIL was presented with the award in a virtual ceremony on December 8, 2021.

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