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Samsung Earns ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards for Environmental Protection – Samsung Global Newsroom
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Samsung Earns ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards for Environmental Protection – Samsung Global Newsroom

Samsung Earns ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards for Environmental Protection – Samsung Global Newsroom

Samsung Electronics America has received two 2022 awards to demonstrate its environmental leadership. ENERGY STARThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy have awarded the Partner of the Year Awards. The Samsung Sustained Excellence Award for Product brand Owner (9th) and the second Partner of Year Award for Energy Management (2nd) recognize outstanding contributions to the protection of the environment through innovative product designs and achievements in energy efficiency. These recognitions for 2022 are a continuation of Samsung’s achievements in energy efficiency, from products to operations. They also build on the company’s significant achievements in 2021. These latest accolades follow the rare and prestigious Corporate Commitment Award, which was awarded in 2021 to Samsung for its long-standing commitment to demonstrating leadership in the ENERGY STAR program, mitigating the effects of climate change, and providing efficient solutions that support our customers’ goals.



America’s best resource for conserving energy and money as well as protecting the environment, is the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program. 30 years. The EPA recognizes companies and organizations that have led their industries in the creation and adoption of strategies that reduce energy consumption in buildings.


“Sustainability is core to Samsungs mission and we have an obligation to help stem the effects of climate change and preserve our planet for future generations. The EPA awarded us these accolades because of our continued efforts to reduce our carbon footprint through our efficient ENERGY STAR product line and our low energy footprint in our built environment. Mark Newton, Head for Corporate Sustainability for Samsung Electronics America, said that this is a result of our ongoing efforts at reducing our impact. We are proud of the EPA ENERGY STAR Program and are honored to be recognized as leaders in delivering sustainable innovations for our customers and supporting a cleaner and more efficient energy economy in our operations.


We all know it will take everyone working together to address the climate crisis. The 2022 ENERGY STAR award winning partners are proving that it is possible to create a more sustainable future. These companies have proven that it is possible to support a clean energy economy by taking actions.


The ENERGY STAR program has awarded the Sustained Excellence Award to Product Brand Owner as a high honor. It is awarded to ENERGY STAR Partners who have demonstrated leadership in energy efficiency and have made a long-term commitment towards fighting the climate crisis. This is the ninth consecutive year Samsung has been named an ENERGY STAR Sustained Excel partner in Product Brand Owner.


Samsung is a global technology leader and believes that consumers should have the chance to make an impact on the environment through everyday actions. These changes include the ability to purchase energy efficient products that save money on their energy bills, but don’t sacrifice performance, features, or comfort. In the United States, Samsung had 381 ENERGY STAR-certified base models in 2021. This is a 25% increase compared to 2020. All Samsung’s PCs, dishwashers and front-load clothes washers as well as air purifiers, are ENERGY STAR certified. Samsung is committed energy efficiency innovation. This is why it won the 2021 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award in Refrigerator Category for Advanced Adaptive Compressors and the 2022 Emerging Technology Award in Induction Cooking Tops. These awards recognize innovative technologies that improve energy efficiency dramatically. Samsung’s product efficiency innovations have helped customers around the world avoid an estimated 313 million tons of CO2 emissions since 2009, which is the equivalent of taking 65 million cars off the roads.


The ENERGY STAR partner of the year for energy management is awarded to those who can demonstrate excellence in improving energy performance of buildings or plants through a portfolio-based energy program. Samsung Electronics America owns 41 buildings across the country, including offices, warehouses, distribution centers, and electronic and appliance laboratories. The company has been awarded ENERGY STAR Tenant space recognition for seven leased spaces as of 2021. This number was ranked second in the nation for most widely recognized properties within TenantSpace as of 2021. Samsung Electronics America was responsible for approximately 19% national recognition of properties within TenantSpace.


Samsung is also meeting its energy demand mitigation commitments by retrofitting facilities using ENERGY STAR products, fixtures, equipment and fixtures. It also powers all U.S. facilities, including manufacturing, with 100% of renewable energy. Furthermore, Samsung experienced a 10% reduction of electricity consumption in 2021 starting in 2020. This resulted in a 10% reduction of Weather Normalized Site Emissions Intensity in 2021 (kBtu/ft2).


Samsung’s commitment to energy-efficient products and operations is an important aspect of its efforts to combat climate change. Samsung looks forward to continuing our efforts to ensure that consumers can have a meaningful effect on the environment through everyday changes. This includes focusing on energy efficiency.


Visit for more information. Visit this page to learn more about Samsung’s commitment towards sustainability.

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