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Save water by fixing leaks – The Ukiah Daily Journal
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Save water by fixing leaks – The Ukiah Daily Journal

By Ann DuBay

Are you a thirsty burglar? You could be losing valuable resources in either case.

Since 2013, when the latest series of droughts began in Mendocino County, residents have become experts in water conservation. However, even the best of water conservation experts can learn new tricks. This column will concentrate on how to fix leaks and save water.

Let’s begin with a quick quiz that will test your leak-ability.

  1. Leaks account for approximately 3.5 gallons of water per household in the United States.
    a) 365 gallons
    b) 2,000 gallons
    c) 10,000 gallons
  2. 10% of American homes are super-leakers. How much water do they waste each day?
    a) 25 gallons
    b) 50 gallons
    c) 90 gallons
  3. A family of four should have ____ water during colder months (January and February). This is a sign that there are serious leaks.
    A) 10,000 gallons per month
    b) 20,000 Gallons per Month
    C) 50,000 gallons per month

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the answers are (1), (2), c; and (3). According to the EPA, more than 1 trillion gallons are lost each year due to water leaks in the United States. This amount of water is enough to fill Lake Sonoma 8 times.

Although Californians are concerned about drought, they shudder at the thought that such a precious resource could be going down the drain, leaks can cause other problems. Water that leaks from a faucet in the home can go down a drain into the sewer or to septic systems. However, a leaking pipe and connection fitting can cause damage inside. Water leaking from outside can cause foundation damage and hardscaping loss. Larger leaks can lead you to higher water bills and sewer bills.

The EPA has designated March 14-20 as Fix a Leak Week. Locally, the Sonoma Marin Water Saving Partnership as well as cities and water districts throughout this region offer helpful information on how leaks can be detected using your water meters. In some cases, water-smart app in cities allows you to see your water use hour by hour. Hint: If you’re using 10 gallons per hour at 2 AM when no one is there, you may have a thirsty criminal or a large leak.

Your utility bill and water meters are good starting points. However, anyone (including rural residents who rely upon wells) can check for leaks. Make sure to check the washer and dryer fittings in your garage, laundry room, and garage. While outdoor leaks may be more difficult than indoor ones, they can help you save a lot of water and money. Use the spring weather to inspect and repair your irrigation systems.

Encourage your children to play leak detective with you if they are at home. Their keen eyes and ears often spot leaks that adults overlook. The EPA website,, includes tips, links to how-to videos, and resources for kids. Take a look at the website and then fix the leak.

Ann DuBay, Sonoma Water authored this article on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is a group of local agencies within the Russian River Watershed who have come together to coordinate regional programs in clean water, habitat restoration and watershed enhancement.

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