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ScienceDaily argues that meat alternatives are better for animals’ health and welfare.
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ScienceDaily argues that meat alternatives are better for animals’ health and welfare.

Alternative meats are becoming more popular. While they were once only available in specialty stores like organic or health food stores, you can now find wheat salami, tofu mince, and tofu schnitzel in any supermarket. Jeanette Klink-Lehmann is completing her doctorate at Bonn’s Institute of Food and Resource Economics in the Department of Prof. Monika Hartmann.

Hartmann and Klink Lehmann surveyed 441 German men and women for the analysis, along with Nick Marcus, their colleague. Participants were asked questions such as how concerned they are about their health, if they believe humanity is heading towards an ecological crisis, and if they believe animal husbandry in agriculture should have ethical concerns. Participants also gave their opinions on meat substitutes and their plans to eat them more often in the future.

Consumption is motivated by animal welfare and health.

Marcus says, “We have now looked at the statistical relationships between these responses based upon an extension of a recognised behavioral model.” The surprising result was that a higher concern for the environment was not associated either with a higher rating for meat substitutes or a greater intention of buying them. Marcus explains, “We had hoped that ecological aspects would also play an important role in the intention of eating meat alternatives.” “However, this has not been confirmed.”

Researchers cannot speculate on the reasons for the disparity between participants’ environmental concerns, and their behavioral intention. The survey data dates back to 2017, when the movement “Fridays for Future” was not yet in existence. Klink-Lehmann explains that the environment issue has been more prominent in the agenda since then. “As a consequence, more people are likely to be aware of the potential negative environmental effects of meat intake today than they were five year ago.”

Respondents viewed animal welfare as a significant factor in their consumption decisions. People who view factory farms critically have a greater appreciation for veggie burgers and sausages made of plant-based meats. This attitude has a positive effect on future intentions to use these alternative meats. A higher level of health consciousness is associated also with a greater willingness for meat substitutes to be consumed. This decision is influenced by the attitudes of close friends and family towards meat substitutes.

Targeted marketing to the advantages

Hartmann, Klink-Lehmann, and Marcus recommend that there be better communication about the environmental benefits of meat alternatives. A healthy and balanced product mix is also important for the industry. If animal-based foods like eggs are used in meat replacements, they should be from farms that practice good animal husbandry. Klink-Lehmann says that consumers are very concerned about animal welfare and health. “So manufacturers would be wise to consider these aspects and market their food accordingly.”


MaterialsProvided by University of Bonn. Note: Content may be edited to improve style and length.

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