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Scientists expect allergy season to continue to worsen with climate change
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Scientists expect allergy season to continue to worsen with climate change

Scientists expect allergy seasons to continue worsening with climate change


The current trend of seasonal allergies has significant consequences for public health and well-being. Hay fever affects between 10% and 30% of the global population, and it is on the rise. Photo by mcfarlandmo/Wikimedia Commons

Scientists know that allergy season is longer when the Earth heats from climate change.

A new survey shows that hayfever sufferers are becoming more aware of the situation.

Harris Poll conducted a poll of over 2,000 adults in the United States. Only 1 in 3 reported that they had been diagnosed with hay fever by a doctor. However, 3 in 4 reported experiencing seasonal allergies.

Seasonal sneezing is a serious problem for many of these people. 74% of those polled said that their symptoms negatively impact their quality of life. According to Kathy Steinberg, vice-president at Harris Poll, “Other findings in the survey suggest that things are only going to get worse.”

These 1,500 allergy-suffering people were asked to rate how agree or disagree they were with a variety of statements.

  • “I feel like my seasonal allergies get worse each year.”
  • “My seasonal allergy symptoms have started earlier in the season than usual in recent years.”
  • “I now have symptoms of seasonal allergies all year.”

Participants were divided in response to these statements. Participants were divided on the responses. About half of them agreed or somewhat agreed with the statements while others disagreed or strongly agreed.

Steinberg stated that many people are experiencing worsening symptoms or experiencing them all year.

As global warming advances, the trend towards more prolonged and intense pollen season is likely to become more evident to those affected.

“The people who are saying” [their allergies]According to Dr. Stanley Fineman, the symptoms are getting worse and could have more problems due to the scientific data we have on temperature rise and pollen increases,” said Dr. Fineman in a HealthDay Now interview. Fineman is an allergist at Atlanta Allergy & Asthma and a former president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

He stated that if we continue to have such warming trends, we’ll likely see higher pollen counts and the seasons starting earlier.

Recent research has shown that the majority of people who have a high school diploma are not likely to be successful in their careers.Researchers simulated future pollen production and found that the total pollen emissions could rise by as much as 40% by 2100. The springtime pollen season will begin 10 to 40 days sooner than expected, while seasonal allergies in fall will last up to 19 more days.

These escalations will add to the already high levels of pollen production, which began decades ago. In 2018, pollen counts were already 20% greater than 1990. According to another study.

Higher temps, bigger blooms

According to William Anderegg (an associate professor of biology at Utah), climate change has a dual impact on pollen counts. Higher carbon dioxide emissions and warmer temperatures are both drivers of pollen production.

“The science that links climate change to longer, more severe pollen season is incredibly, incredibly obvious. Anderegg stated that plants tend to produce more pollen if you raise the temperature or increase the CO2 level in the atmosphere. They tend to grow larger and produce more pollen per unit.

These byproducts of human activity also reduce wintertime and prolong the spring and autumn growing seasons. Plants will have more time for pollen production with longer growing seasons.

Fineman and his Atlanta office have Monitored daily pollen levelsThe area has been home to them for more than 40 year. They used this data to publish a publication in 2021. StudyThis evidence shows that oak trees pollen emissions increased by 5% every year over the previous 27 years.

Fineman stated that he usually advises patients that they start taking their allergy medicines two weeks before the pollen season starts. In keeping with the lengthening season, this date has been getting earlier and earlier over time.

For many years it was around St. Patrick’s Day. Next came Valentine’s Day. The Atlanta area’s pollen count reached an all-time high in the last two years, prompting him to notify patients on Groundhog Day.

These shifts can cause confusion for allergy sufferers that have been suffering from long-term allergies. They are used to taking their first immunotherapy shot or breaking out the antihistamines at predictable times each year. It is generally more effective to start allergy treatments before symptoms develop.

Anderegg stated that patients who aren’t prepared can lead to “very bad” situations. This is something I hear from allergists often. Patients are being caught off guard by the fact that pollen season is starting earlier.

The current trend of seasonal allergies has significant consequences for public health and well-being. Between 10% and 30%Hay fever is affecting approximately 20% of the world’s populace, and it is on the rise. Many people consider hay fever a significant problem with many side effects. In fact, more than 70% of allergy sufferers surveyed by HealthDay/Harris Poll said that their symptoms interfere with their ability to sleep well at night.

See Also

Indirectly, seasonal allergies and high pollen counts can have devastating effects.

Anderegg explained that there is a lot of literature linking it to economic productivity, the ability of workers to do their jobs well, and to children. “When kids are suffering, it is really hard for them learn and succeed in school.”

Another economic consequence is that pollen-related medical care costs more than $3B per year, according the The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many millions are now directly experiencing the effects of climate changes, with the lengthening and worsening seasons. This trend is a great opportunity, given the prevalence of seasonal allergies.

Anderegg stated, “There are very large benefits to tackling global warming proactively and urgently.” “We can prevent about half the increase in pollen season deterioration if we address climate change. Maybe even more.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has Learn more about climate change and seasonal allergies.

Copyright © 2022 HealthDay. All rights reserved.


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