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Seven-year-old Vernon girl shares need to act now for environment – Vernon Morning Star
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Seven-year-old Vernon girl shares need to act now for environment – Vernon Morning Star

We are making the Arctic too warm for animals. We are destroying their habitats and many plants are disappearing around the globe. We are being selfish. If we care, we can save the planet.

I enter the forest and see a heap of garbage.

This makes me sad. I see the highway with all those cars and I think if we don’t act now, we will be extinct. The passenger pigeons used to fill the sky but now, because of us, there’s not a single one. The burning of fossil fuels created heat domes.

If we don’t act now and think about our planet, the animals and us will be extinct.

Here are some ways that you can help the Earth:

• Talk to your leaders.

• Ride your bike or walk.

• Avoid plastic if you can.

• Reuse stuff, buy second hand and donate what you don’t need anymore.

• Buy local and organic food.

• Turn off lights when you leave a room.

• Talk about how to care for the environment with your friends.

• Plant a tree.

I am seven years of age and want to share my love of the environment. I want a secure future for all animals, plants, and me. Please help me. Thank you!

Willow GlimmCannon

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