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Sheikh Khalifa, his love for nature and wildlife is – News
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Sheikh Khalifa, his love for nature and wildlife is – News

Sheikh Khalifa and his eternal love for nature and wildlife - News

His support of groundbreaking environmental conservation efforts was an example of his vision for sustainability and conservation.

Published:Mon 16 May 2022 at 1:01 AM

Friday’s loss of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zyed Al Nahyan to the UAE meant that the country lost a leader with vision and a fair Ruler who kept his country, and his people, at the forefront. Sheikh Khalifa was concerned not only about his people but also about the environment in which he lived and ruled. His love for the environment and nature, a love he received from his father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan was what made him unique. The greening of the desert state can be attributed in part to his vision and tireless efforts towards protecting the environment and our precious resources.

His support for groundbreaking environmental conservation initiatives in the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asian and Central Asian regions was evidence of his vision for conservation and sustainability. In the first cabinet he created, he appointed a minister of environment.

His father, who was also a pioneer in environmental efforts, also influenced his passion for hobbies like falconry and fishing.

The UAEs Founding Father, who was an avid fan of falconry since a young age, also worked hard to preserve this heritage sport. He was a champion of falconry and practiced it often. The Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital has been the most important hospital for birds in the world.

The late President Sheikh Khalifas leadership made environmental protection the cornerstone of the government’s legislative system. It is also the core of the UAE’s developmental policies. These policies aim to increase green areas, develop water resources, improve the marine environment and reduce pollution; preserve fisheries as well as help to protect, breed and restore endangered species into their natural habitats.

Many thousands of eco-warriors have walked out of UAE schools and universities in recent years with a passion for protecting the fragile eco-system. To this end, environmental conservation has been made a central topic in school curricula.


In February, Sheikh Khalifa spoke in a speech to mark the 25th National Environment Day. He said: The National Environment Day is an important occasion to recall the efforts of the UAE’s leaders and people over 50 years to preserve the environment, preserve its natural resources, and invest in the country’s land in a way that will ensure continued prosperity and happiness for all generations.

UAE’s pioneering efforts in the field environment reflect its national and ethical commitment, as set out in its vision for sustainable development and the need reduce the impact of climate changes through a joint action to address its repercussions.

Sheikh Khalifa said that this was in line with the UAEs Principles of the 50. It also aligns with the countrys strategic development strategy and the vision of late Sheikh Zayed who stated: We take only what we need from the environment and leave the rest to ensure the rights of the next generations.

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