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Shoppers can reduce their grocery store prices while still helping the environment.
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Shoppers can reduce their grocery store prices while still helping the environment.

Many shoppers are looking for ways to save money as the inflation rate has reached its highest point in 40-years.

The Flashfood app Designed to reduce food waste in grocery stores. 160 billion pounds of food end up in North America’s landfills, releasing greenhouse gases.

Flashfood app allows shoppers to save up to 50% on their grocery bill as they look for ways to save. This app allows shoppers to browse discounted food items that aren’t usually sold in stores. You can find seasonal products, blemished foods and foods that are close to expiration dates.

Participating Martins Super Markets and Meijer stores have flashfood fridges. However, items cannot be purchased at the store.

Once the app is downloaded, shoppers can browse nearby stores and make purchases. The app allows shoppers to browse items and then purchase them. They can also pick them up at the store. The customer service team will verify the purchase.

Mike Albert, Martins district manager, said that it was a great way for the family to save money and feed them.

You can be sure that you have peppers, onions, and potatoes in the produce box. There’s also some meat. You could definitely make a meal out of it. Albert said that it all depends on the items and how creatively you use the products.

The program saves shoppers and helps Martins reduce food waste. Albert stated that the program has had a significant impact on the economy since its inception two years ago.

We certainly made a dent on the food waste that exists, so it’s a win for all.

The app is available in the App Store and Google Play store. 19 of the 20 Martins stores have Flashfood fridges. The app is available in Michiana at participating Meijers.

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