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ShotSpotter Issues the Inaugural Environmental, Governance, and Social (ESG) Report
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ShotSpotter Issues the Inaugural Environmental, Governance, and Social (ESG) Report

ShotSpotter, Inc.
ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter, Inc.

FREMONT, Calif., February 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE). ShotSpotter, Inc. (Nasdaq : SSTI) is a pioneer in precision policing technology solutions that allow law enforcement to respond to, investigate, and deter criminal activity. Today, ShotSpotter, Inc. released its first ever Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Report. The company’s 2021 report provides a comprehensive overview on its positive impact in the world. It has helped to save lives, improve public safety, and protect the environment and wildlife internationally.

Highlights of the report include:

Helping Save Lives ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology allows law enforcement to locate gunfire incidents within 60 seconds. This is a lot faster than traditional 911. Numerous cities report that these alerts can lead to the identification of wounded victims, and allow them to provide medical assistance and transport them to the hospital before they succumb. Many of these victims are found even if 911 is not called.

Protecting the environmentThe company donates equipment and engineering time to South Africa’s Kruger National Park to reduce rhino poaching. The park’s modified gunshot detection technology has led to a 58% decrease in rhino deaths in areas covered. ShotSpotter is also part of an Earth Institute initiative in Southeast Asia that provides technology and expertise to help protect endangered coral reefs and local food supplies. ShotSpotter detects illegal blastfishing and alerts law enforcement to prevent it from being caught.

DEI: The company was composed of 47% racially mixed employees and 31% women employees as of December 31, 2020. The board had 38% female directors and 38% racially-diverse directors. At the executive level, 29% of senior executives were female and 14% were racially-diverse.

While we have been involved in many ESG initiatives over the years, this is the first time we have combined them under a single ESG strategy. Our internal north star is our passion to be of service and value for all stakeholders, including employees, stockholders and vendors, customers, and the communities they serve. We see our success as long-term and recognize that integrity and transparency are key to building trust.

You can find the report at:

About ShotSpotter
ShotSpotter, Inc. (NASDAQ : SSTI) is a pioneer in precision policing technology solutions. These solutions enable law enforcement to respond to, investigate, and deter criminal activity more effectively. More than 120 U.S. cities trust the company’s products to make their communities safer. ShotSpotter Respond, which is the most advanced gunshot detection, location and forensic system in the world, is the company’s flagship product. ShotSpotter Connect is patrol management software that dynamically directs patrol resources to areas at greatest risk to prevent crime. ShotSpotter Investigate allows detectives to quickly connect the dots, share information, and improve case clearance rates. ShotSpotter has been named a Great Place to Work Company.

Media Relations
Trident DMG
Caroline Beckmann
[email protected]

Investor Relations
Matt Glover
Gateway Investor Relations
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