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Sigalit Muzafi, RadGreen — Creating a safer work environment
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Sigalit Muzafi, RadGreen — Creating a safer work environment

Sigalit Mutzafi of RadGreen. Photo: Tamar Mutzafi
Sigalits cloud-based environmental monitoring and alerting platform is something more corporates and property/property management companies are looking into in order to create a safer work environment. Sigalit understands the importance of communication, especially when it involves fundraising. You can see that they are able to explain the investment process and how it works. This is also evident in feedback. Sigalit explains how founders can be open to receiving feedback, and then, more importantly, what to do with it.


We are proud to introduce you to some founders from Israel and the United States as part of StageOne’s Female Founders program. They are in different industries and have different startups, but we are impressed by their company, leadership and drive. This program allows us to keep in touch with these founders and maintain long-lasting relationships. We can get updates on their companies, connect with investors, and have follow up meetings to discuss their progress.


Sigalit Mutzafi of RadGreen. Photo: Tamar MutzafiSigalit Mutzafi from RadGreen. Photo: Tamar Mutzafi


Meet Sigalit Mutzafi.


RadGreen was established in 2016 by Sigalit Muzafi and Erez Muzafi. They met during their time in the army. The company is based in Tel Aviv.


Could you tell us more about RadGreen?

RadGreen, a cloud-based environmental monitoring and alerting platform, is an example of a cloud-based platform. It monitors indoor and outdoor air quality, noise, radiation, pollutants, temperature, and viral index 24/7. Real-time results are available and users can make recommendations to improve safety and health in their buildings. Tenants, employees, and customers can also see the results.


What inspired you to create your idea?

We were searching for information about the environment for our own personal use and couldn’t find any.


What are some of the obstacles you’ve had (if any) when building a company as a woman founder?

Raising money can be more difficult than you might think. You must demonstrate your professionalism and ability to gain trust in the first few moments of conversation.


What are the secrets to your success in business?

Persistence and resilience. We have a great product and provide value to our customers. We intend to grow even more.


What do you want next?

RadGreen has recently begun its expansion to North America. We will raise funds this year to expand in the U.S.


Yael Eckstein of Stage One Ventures. Photo: Dudi MoskovitzYael Eckstein from Stage One Ventures. Photo: Dudi Moskovitz

Yael Eckstein (Marketing Director at StageOne) started the Female founders Office Hours program. StageOne Ventures continues to look for opportunities to invest time, resources, and networking so that innovations can receive funding support. The program includes a one-on-1 meeting with the fund managers and team in our offices. This allows us to connect, hear the company’s pitch, and get concrete advice, consult, as well as network.


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