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Since the 60s, environmental alarmism has not changed.
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Since the 60s, environmental alarmism has not changed.

Environmental Alarmism Has Hardly Changed Since the 60s

Shoppers look at the produce aisle in a Whole Foods Market New York on Jan 18.


Richard B. Levine/Zuma Press

Congress has not acted on the Biden administration’s ambitious climate-change agenda. However, Congress has continued to fight for coal, oil, and natural-gas production through other means.

The White House has attempted to fill top Federal Reserve Board posts with people who want to see the Fed restrict capital flows to fossil fuels.

Jerome Powell

Companies don’t have it all when fighting four-decades-high inflation rates. The Securities and Exchange Commission wants companies to report detailed information on their carbon emissions. This is a Republican Sen.

Pat Toomey

Correctly, this is described as a thinly disguised effort to have unelected financial regulators determine America’s climate and energy policies.

It is important to understand how long environmental alarmism has been capturing our intellectual elites’ imagination in order to understand the stubbornness of the Biden administration. Overpopulation was the main existential threat prior to global warming. The 1960s saw the birth of the modern green movement. Apocalyptic predictions were a staple of this realm for decades. In 1967, William and

Paul Paddock

Famine 1975 was written! 1968

Paul Ehrlichs

The Population Bomb declared the end of the struggle to feed all humanity. Despite any crash programs being implemented now, the world will experience famines in the 1970s.

Nixon created a task force in 1969 to study the effects of population growth. This month marks 50 years since the release of the findings by the Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. The document predicted an almost endless list of disasters that a more populous America would face. More droughts and famines were expected. Deforestation, mineral depletion, and energy shortages were all inevitable. It was inevitable that there would be higher poverty rates and fewer opportunities for employment. It concluded that there is no economic argument to support continued growth in the national population. Recognizing that our population can’t grow indefinitely, the Commission recommends that the country welcome and plan to stabilize its population.

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These predictions have not held up five decades later. The U.S. now has a population of more than 330million, compared to 200 million in 1970. Americans are able to breathe cleaner air and drink more water than they were 50 years ago. The poverty rates are lower, obesity has become a greater problem than hunger, and the current unemployment rate is indicative of a labor shortage. The international trends have been likewise favorable, even though the world’s population doubled in the past 50 years. Over the past ten years, the International Monetary Fund has been monitoring the quality of air and water in 180 countries. 178 of these countries have seen improvement. Between 1990-2014, the percentage of land reserved for wildlife reserves, national parcs, and the like increased 80%. Marine conservation areas nearly doubled.

Today’s green activists tend not to be concerned about climate change as much as population growth. However, they use the same scare tactics and make just as outrageous predictions. The goal is to limit climate change to the point that civilizations are not destroyed, according to climate activist.

Bill McKibben.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

According to the Atlantic magazine, the world will end 12 years from now if we don’t address climate change.

The New York Times

According to reports, climate change is already affecting the availability of food. If emissions of greenhouse gases continue rising, so will food prices.

In reality, global food production has increased tremendously since 1960s and can easily supply all the nutritional requirements of the planet. The world’s annual death from famine has fallen by 90% to 95% since 1980, compared to the first half century. However, ideological environmentalism doesn’t mean following the science and data. It is about threatening others to accept your way of thinking. It’s about restricting the freedom of people to make their own decisions and live as they please. The White House and its allies in the green movement are not trying to win over public sentiment with facts and reason. Public sentiment and the legislative system are for them obstacles to be overcome by any means necessary.

Even more concerning is the fact that the administration’s environmental priorities are not affected by Russia’s invasion and subsequent disruptions in global energy markets. At a time where domestic fossil-fuel production could give the U.S. all manner of leverage to help other allies in this region, rebuff

Vladimir Putins

Mr. Biden has been reluctant change his course. Geopolitical considerations are put aside in the fight against global warming, even though it means that thousands of people die and millions are displaced and autocracies like Russia and China gain the upper hand.

Wonder Land (08/11/21): Democrats have destroyed cities and the border. Why should climate policy be any other? Images: Zuma Press/Getty Images composite: Mark Kelly

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