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Sponsor spotlight: Evergreen Goodwill employee describes the unique team-oriented environment that sets the organization apart
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Sponsor spotlight: Evergreen Goodwill employee describes the unique team-oriented environment that sets the organization apart

Sponsor spotlight: Evergreen Goodwill employee describes how team-oriented environment sets the organization apart

Evergreen Goodwill is seeking passionate workers who are willing to work in a variety of roles, including retail, production/donation processing and material handling. Numerous opportunities are available in North Puget Sound, with multiple positions open to those 16 years and older.

Goodwill offers many learning opportunities, as well as the possibility to grow within the company and beyond. Goodwill is there to support you in all your career endeavors, no matter where they are located.

Amber, a supervisor in Evergreen Goodwills Ballard has risen up the ranks over the last nine years. Amber moved to Washington state in search of new experiences and opportunities beyond the small Northern California town where she grew up. She soon found herself in Seattle as a Goodwill retail sales associate.

She gained valuable experience in the textile industry and was soon promoted to Evergreen Goodwills’ production department. She became passionate about the task of sorting through donated materials and is now a production supervisor.

This story will tell you more about Amber’s life and why Goodwill is such a great place for work.

What would you say to people about your love for Goodwill?

Amber stated that it is more like a family than a place to work. Goodwill offered counseling sessions to me after I lost my friend a few years back.

Amber stated that it is warm and inviting and most people are happy there.

Amber also explained how Goodwill looks for employees who are interested in their skills and interests.

We ask [job candidates]Questions like “What are your hobbies?” Amber agreed. We have our production team for those who prefer to work alone. Our textiles has four tables so that they can communicate. We have the tagging for those who like to move around.

Maybe someone has a passion for electronics. [be a good fit]Amber said: Or maybe someone is really into fashion. Then we have our textile department and they get to learn about different brands.

Amber said that we always try to find accommodations for people and do not turn anyone away.

Why is diversity so important for the workplace?

Amber stated that it is all about respecting everyone. We all have our own uniqueness, which makes it fun to learn about others.

I know that our store, particularly our textile department has people from all over the globe. We have at most six different countries [represented], five different religions, four different languages, Amber said. It’s easy to see the diversity and learn from the people who are different.

What are your plans for the Future?

I am currently just learning DayForce and scheduling, but I am taking on more administrative tasks. Maybe I will be able to go to the corporate office in the future and learn administrative skills. [skills]Amber said.

What do you hope for Goodwill?

Amber said that they want to grow. With inflation and other economic factors, Amber stated that they wanted to ensure that the community was still served and that the best products were available for people to purchase.

If you are interested in applying to one of our open jobs or exploring the career options available at Evergreen Goodwill, Visit



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