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Statement: Federal electric vehicle and bus investments help to reduce air pollution and climate emissions
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Statement: Federal electric vehicle and bus investments help to reduce air pollution and climate emissions

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, announced grants for electric buses as well as federal clean trucks initiatives

WASHINGTON— Kamala Harris, Vice PresidentAnnouncementMonday will see several initiatives to reduce diesel emissions from trucks and buses. Federal funding will now become available for electric transit buses, school buses, cleaner ports vehicles, and many other projects. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in addition to approving a rule to reduce heavy-duty truck pollution, has also proposed a rule that will accelerate zero-emission technology deployment.

Heavy-duty vehicles such as buses emit toxic air pollutants. This can cause and exacerbate respiratory diseases like asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease. Transportation-related pollution may have disproportionately largerimpacts on healthcompared to other sources because they generally emit pollution closer to people.

The following statement was issued by U.S. PIRG and Environment America experts:

To slow global warming, it is important to clean up the pollution caused by the largest trucks that travel on our roads.Environment America Destination: Zero Carbon directorMorgan Folger. It’s been 20 year since we updated truck pollution standards. EPA’s new rule can save lives and help to develop cleaner electric semi-trucks. We’ll all breathe easier when we switch to zero emission buses and trucks.

To avoid getting sick, commuting to work or school shouldn’t involve ingesting toxic pollutants every day.Matt CasaleDirector of U.S. PIRGs environmental campaigns. Our school districts and transit agencies are already in dire straits. This money will ensure that clean electric buses reach communities that are in greatest need. It is vital to invest in electric buses and trucks to ensure cleaner air.

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