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Statement: President Biden renews his pushes on climate and environment
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Statement: President Biden renews his pushes on climate and environment

Beyond Ukraine: Infrastructure and clean energy are key components of the State of the Union speech

WASHINGTONPresident Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address urged Congress to approve a series of clean energy tax credits. He also stated that his plan would reduce energy costs by an average of $500 per year and combat climate change. He said, Let’s make investments and give tax credits to weatherize homes and businesses so they can be more energy efficient. This will double America’s clean-energy production in solar and wind and lower the price for electric vehicles. This will save you $80 a monthly because you wont have to pay the gas pump.

His speech was in response to Monday’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The report warned that any further delay in concerted, anticipatory global actions on adaptation and mitigation would miss a narrow and rapidly closing window of chance to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Despite strong public support and broad agreement among key legislators, a legislative package that included clean energy tax credits has been stalled. Environment America and U.S. PIRG have sent a letter to Congress, requesting that Congress invest in climate solutions.

Environment Americas Washington Legislative Office Executive director Lisa Frank issued the following statement in response to the State of the Union Address:

Thanks to new funding, our union infrastructure is improving. We now have safer roads, bridges, cleaner transportation options, and clean water coming out of our taps. The future of the unions could be brighter, or it could get hotter, polluted more and be more disrupted from natural disasters. Congress has a range of clean energy investments and environmental investments that could go a long ways in addressing climate change. This includes tax credits that would make it easier for Americans to go to solar or purchase the electric vehicles that dominated Super Bowl TV ads. It’s time for Congress vote for a brighter future.

U.S. PIRG Environment Campaigns Director Matt CasaleThe following statement was made:

The latest IPCC Report rings the alarm bells: It is now time to take action on climate change. President Biden has presented a common-sense, achievable, and impactful agenda to reduce carbon emissions. The president called on Congress to make electric vehicles more affordable, reduce energy consumption, and increase their ability to harness solar and wind power. Congress should support the president’s call for action, and quickly pass legislation that will ensure a safe and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

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