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Study finds that roadside littering could have long-term environmental effects
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Study finds that roadside littering could have long-term environmental effects

Picking up litter in nature

Picking up litter in nature
Photo (c), Halfpoint Images – Getty Images

Researchers from the University of California Riverside conducted a deep dive into the habits of roadside littering and the long-term environmental effects.

Their research revealed that the majority of this garbage is made up of toxic plastics. This litter is likely to remain in the environment for ever unless it is disposed of by consumers.

Individual human behavior has been the focus of littering reduction efforts. Andrew Gray, researcher. In reality, it is just as easy, if not more accurate, to say that if we don’t produce the stuff, it wouldnt get in the environment.

Understanding littering trends

The researchers measured 3,300 feet of roadside in five cities in southern California: Riverside (San Dimas), Moreno Valley Palm Desert, Palm Desert, Loma Linda, and San Dimas. They did this several times per week for a month. Their analysis was focused on the accumulation rate, origin and composition of roadside litter.

The study found that 60% of all roadside trash collected was plastic. Most of the rest was either food or tobacco products. The study also revealed that most of this trash doesn’t travel far. Instead, it is being deposited along the roads by consumers who purchased it close to their homes.

Many people believe that it is not their trash, according to Win Cowger, researcher. I want that to be dispelled with the evidence that we have here in the Inland Empire.

Researchers explained that although roadside litter may not seem to be a major problem, if left unattended it can remain in the environment for years. This means that plastic and paper products end up as pollution in the environment or water. Or it can break down into microplastics which are later ingested.

Find solutions to littering

The researchers now have a better understanding of the causes and how to address this problem. Their research revealed that it is not enough to clean up roadside litter. In their daily roadside inspections, the team found more litter the next day.

Coger said that there is a broken window theory that trash creates trash. We find that even if you keep a spot clean, the accumulation of litter is very consistent. This means that other actions to prevent litter are necessary.

Researchers plan to conduct similar trials in other parts of the country.

Gray said that humans must adopt a more systematic approach in order to decide what is produced. After all, it all eventually gets into the environment.

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