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Surat News| Surat News

Surat: This three-day smart-city conference Smart Cities-Smart Urbanization will feature delegates representing 100 cities in India.
A few small actions will convey the message of protecting the environment. Steel flasks and seed pencils will replace the plastic water bottles. Electrical vehicles and bicycles will also be available at this venue on a shared basis.
The event will be held at Sarsana Exhibition Hall, starting April 18. It is jointly organized by MoHUA (Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs) and SMC (Surat Municipal Corporation).
Plastic water bottles are easy to carry and use. It has also been more affordable than other options for serving water. These bottles are the largest source of pollution due their single-use. However, there have been concerns. Every day, millions of plastic water bottles are thrown away around the world.
Given the conference’s size, over 1,000 people are expected to attend, it would be a waste of resources if participants were given plastic containers. Banchhanidhi Pani is the municipal commissioner.
Steel flasks will be able to hold water at all temperatures. Swati Desai (deputy municipal commissioner) said that glass bottles may be used in certain places.
Participants will receive a seed pencil instead of a pen. They can then plant a tree using the pencil.
49 electric buses, five EV cars and EV scooters will all be available for use. SMC is currently developing bicycle sharing infrastructure. Majority of the attendees will commute via electric buses. Pani said that public sharing bicycles will be available for those who want to use them.
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