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Susan Shaw, an environmental health pioneer, has passed away at age 78
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Susan Shaw, an environmental health pioneer, has passed away at age 78

BLUE HILL – Maine Susan Shaw was a pioneering environmental health scientist and toxicologist who died late last month. She was also an author and toxicologist who focused on ocean pollution, toxic chemicals, and plastics in Maine.

Shaw was a resident of Blue Hill since 1989. However, she had recently moved to New York City. After battling an illness, she passed away at her home on January 27. She was 78.

Shaw, who was the Shaw Institute’s founder and executive director, has fought for decades against the dangers of chemicals and plastics to human and marine life. She is credited as the first scientist to reveal widespread contamination of fish and marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic from flame retardants leaching from furniture, documented the dangers of photographic darkroom chemicals, and launched the first studies into microplastics in the Gulf of Maine that led to state and national bans on microbeads.

Holly Clare, spokesperson for the institute, stated that Shaw was active in exposing the illegal plastic waste trade and its effects on children’s health in developing nations before her death.

Clare stated that she was a woman who lived to make the planet a better place.

Shaw was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1943. She was a skilled archer and state champion high diver growing-up. She graduated from the University of Texas, and then went on to earn an MFA in film and a doctorate of public health and environmental sciences from Columbia University.

Shaw’s career took off after Overexposure was published in 1983. Ansel Adams, a legendary photographer, commissioned Shaw to publish Overexposure in 1983. It was one of the first books to expose the dangers of darkroom chemicals, and the link between them and cancer, for young photographers.

Shaw established the Marine Environmental Research Institute in Blue Hill in 1990 following the deaths of 20,000 harbor sealings in polluted European waterways. Shaw Institute was later established to improve human and environmental health through science.

She worked for over 30 years through the nonprofit to combat climate change, pollution, and hazardous chemicals. She was the first scientist To assess the effects of the BP oil leakage in the Gulf of Mexico, dive into the water.A team of international experts examined the combined effects of pollution and global warming on the survival marine mammals. Numerous Tedx talks delivered.

In 2007, she was named the Gulf of Maine Visionary and in 2011 she was awarded the Gold Medal from the Society of Woman Geographers, putting her in the company of past winners  Amelia Earhart, Margaret Mead and Jane Goodall.

Shaw’s work with firefighters and toxic chemical use was a model for all fire departments. Her death was also a cause of concern for many firefighting organizations. After analysing the blood samples of firefighters in San Francisco Shaw discovered that they had high levels of cancer-causing chemicals created when commercial flame retardants in household items burn.

Her efforts raised awareness about the cancer risks firefighters face from chemicals and toxins we are exposed to while performing our duties, Orland Fire Department posted to their Facebook page.

Chief Robert Conary stated Shaw’s efforts helped change old attitudes about firefighting. It was a proud moment to have your turnout gear tarnished by the smoke from past fires.

Conary said that it was always a sign of an experienced firefighter.

However, her research found that firefighters continue to be exposed to these toxic chemicals even after the fire has passed through their clothing. Conary now insists that firefighters have two sets to protect them from the dangers of fire. Crews also use portable air tanks more often.

It really opened our eyes, he stated.

Shaw and Cynthia Stroud were national doubles champions at boules, a similar game to bocce. She loved wine and documentary film, as well as photography.

Clare said Shaw was still involved in the institutes’ work up until about a week ago. The institute is currently looking for a permanent replacement while it appoints an interim executive Director.

Blue Hill will host a summer memorial service.

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