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Switching gears: EVs important tool in tackling climate crisis – but is it feasible? – National
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Switching gears: EVs important tool in tackling climate crisis – but is it feasible? – National


The future is electric.

It’s a popular slogan used by leading automakers as the industry shifts gears and transitions towards eco-friendly, sustainable means of transportation.

The switch to electric vehiclesAs countries try to find ways to deal with the globalization of the world, the policymakers have many options. climate crisisContinue reading COP26 summitGlasgow

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Industry experts and climate experts are increasingly agreeing that EVs can play a crucial role in helping countries like Canada meet their net-zero emission targets. However, it will be a long road with many roadblocks ahead.

“There is no credible climate action plan that doesn’t include a significant push towards electric transportation,” said Jeff Turner, senior research lead at Dunsky Energy and Climate Advisors.

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“I think it is crucial that we electrify the transport sector to meet our climate change goals, but … only electrifying the transport sector will not be enough,” said Alexandre Milovanoff, a researcher in sustainable transportation at the University of Toronto.

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COP26 summit: Trudeau says pollution pricing key to lowering emissions during leaders’ address

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He said that a multi-pronged approach is required, which will include the development of public transit infrastructure and making private vehicle ownership more convenient and less expensive.

The transportation sector in Canada is second in terms of emissions after oil and gas.

Kent Moore, a professor of physics at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, estimates that driving EVs could potentially reduce Canada’s emissions by 15 per cent.

“It’s clearly important, but it can’t be the only thing,” he said.

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Moore, like Milovanoff believes that a series of steps must be taken in conjunction with EVs to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.

Cutting plastic use, transitioning to newer building materials, like wood, from concrete — which is a huge emitter of carbon dioxide — and plant-based food production will contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, he said.

“There’s no single magic bullet.”

Click to play video: 'Canada aims to shift to electric vehicles by 2035'

Canada targets to transition to electric vehicles by 2035

Canada aims to shift to electric vehicles by 2035 – Jul 18, 2021

Where is Canada on an EV map?

Current EV sector manufacturers in Canada include GreenPower, Lion Electric, New Flyer and Nova Bus, which is owned by Sweden’s Volvo.

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Joanna Kyriazis (senior policy advisor at ) said that the country is rich in key materials needed for EV battery production. This puts it among the top five countries in the world when you consider battery supply chain potential. Clean Energy Canada.

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Canada’s EV market is growing, but there is some catching up to do.

Turner stated that electric vehicles account for between 5 and 10% of all new vehicle sales in Canada.

Currently, less than 10 per cent of the country’s stock of vehicles are electric, according to Ryan Riordan, research director for the Institute of Sustainable Finance at Queen’s University.

“It is increasing, but it’s increasing slowly particularly relative to … some jurisdictions in Europe and really slow compared to countries like China,” Riordan said.

Click to play video: 'The Big Shift: Is Canada ready for the EV revolution?'

The Big Shift – Is Canada ready to embrace the EV revolution in Canada?

The Big Shift – Is Canada ready to embrace the EV revolution? – May 15, 2021

Out of the world’s total stock of 10.2 million EVs, China has 44 per cent (4.5 million), Europe has about 31 per cent (3.2 million) and the U.S. accounts for 17 per cent, according to a report by the International Energy Agency published in April 2021.

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China was the largest market, but Europe surpassed it with the largest annual growth in 2020.

Over the past decade, Canada’s EV sales share has steadily risen, reaching 4.2 per cent in 2020, IEA data showed.

Industry experts agree that Canada will need to increase its manufacturing capacity and battery production, and to compete in the global EV market. This is to achieve zero-emissions targets.

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Lion Electric, a Quebec-based company, is among the country’s key players in the EV race.

It has a manufacturing capacity of 2,500 units in Saint-Jérôme, north of Montreal. The automaker is currently building an annual manufacturing capacity of 20,000 units in Illinois.

Last month, Lion Electric received a conditional orderThe company estimates that 1,000 electric school buses would be delivered by Student Transportation of Canada, which could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 23,000 tonnes per year.

The order is part Infrastructure Canada’s Zero-Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) — the federal government’s commitment to provide $2.75 billion over the next five years to support the electrification of public transit and school transportation.

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Quebec-based Lion Electric currently has more than 400 units in production of electric buses, trucks and vans that have covered 13 million kilometers.

Photo courtesy Lion Electric

Marc Bédard, founder and CEO of Lion Electric, said there should be a greater urgency to switch to EVs.

“So what needs to happen, I think, needs to happen faster,” he told Global News.

“We need legislation that will allow some money to be invested … to help the operators to do a smooth transition to electric.”

Canada has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2020.

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In June the federal government set a mandatory targetFor all new light-duty cars, and passenger trucks, to be zero emission by 2035.

As part of its 2021 election platformThe Liberals also promised to make 100 percent of medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales emission-free by 2040.

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‘It’s not going to happen by accident’ — The push for an EV revolution in Canada

While some people are certain that Canada will reach these goals, others are more skeptical.

“We can hit those timelines,” said Turner. “That’s not to say that we don’t have a lot of work to do, but these targets are absolutely feasible.”

However, Milovanoff said Canada’s current trajectories and measures are not enough.

“If there are no drastic changes in our investments in the way we deal with the transport strategies, no, I don’t think we will meet those targets,” he said.

A Kingston, Ont. station for electric vehicle charging on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021


Another piece of the transition to electrification is a public charging network. This is especially important for long inter-city travel, remote rural areas, and apartment buildings. Moore stated that building this network will take time.

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Charging electric cars takes longer than filling a gas tank.

Canada’s cold climate could complicate the chemical function of EVs and offset the range as they don’t produce a lot of waste heat.

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Turner said that EVs can start instantly without the need to rev the engine several times, which is a plus.

EVs are more expensive to purchase than conventional cars but are cheaper to maintain over the long term.

This is because EVs require less maintenance than ICE (internal burning engine) vehicles.

Riordan stated that operating an EV could cost half or even a quarter as much as an ICE.

“Even though the EV cost more upfront, often you’ll pay that back and actually come out ahead in just a few years by going electric,” said Kyriazis.

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Study reveals why Canadians are reluctant about buying electric vehicles

Study reveals why Canadians reluctant to buy electric vehicles – Feb 10, 2021

EV is attractive because of the financial incentives offered by the federal government and the provinces.

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2019 the feds launched the iZEV programCanadians who purchase an electric vehicle (EV) can receive a rebate of up to $5,000

Turner said that additional incentives are available in the provinces of Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Quebec.

Experts say a package of clean-car policies is required to get more people behind the wheel an electric car. This includes continued government subsidies and incentives.

“If we can get more Canadians driving electric vehicles, it’ll also help to justify automakers investing in Canada to build EVs here and their batteries,” said Kyriazis.

A broad switch will eventually lead to behaviours changing.

“I think we’ll get there, but it won’t be overnight. It may take us 20 years to make the transition,” said Moore.

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Going Green? Why electric cars are worth thinking about

Going Green? Why electric cars are worth considering – Sep 24, 2021

–with files from Reuters 

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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