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Tennessee legislature recklessly amends pipeline law to take power away from local governments
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Tennessee legislature recklessly amends pipeline law to take power away from local governments

Press Release | March 7, 2022

The amendment removes power from local communities and gives it to private, outside-of-state oil companies and gas companies. They would be able build pipelines close to homes, drinking water sources, schools, and other public places.

NASHVILLE TN – A Tennessee lawmaker proposed an amendment that would bar all local governments from having a say over where crude oil, petroleum and methane gas pipelines are built.

If the amendment is passed, it would allow out-of state fossil fuel companies to build pipelines near schools, homes, and other places that are currently protected against oil and gas infrastructure. 

The amended versions Senate Bill 2077 and House Bill 2246 would have a broad impact across the state. Water utilities adopt local plans to protect drinking water wellfieldsAnd intakes in order to ensure communities have access to safe drinking water, and city and county leaders use zoning codes and local ordinances to reinforce those protections. If this bill is passed and upheld by the court, it would make such protective measures illegal. It also gives companies the green light to build dangerous oil and gas pipelines close to critical drinking water facilities. Even a small pipe leak could pollute drinking water with dangerous chemicals like benzene and toluene.

The bill would also prohibit local governments to regulate petroleum and methane infrastructure near school playgrounds or other sensitive areas. 

It is dangerous to build crude oil and methane gas tanks and pipelines near schools, hospitals and drinking water sources. Local governments should have the right to make decisions about their communities and should be empowered with the ability to protect their neighbors’ health and safety. The General Assembly should not impose a monopoly on local governing bodies in Tennessee. George Nolan, Senior Attorney at SELC said. This amendment, to put it bluntly puts the interests of pipeline companies above the safety and health of Tennessee communities.

Allowing this amendment forward will weaken any checks & balances that local governments have in place to govern for their constituents. This will also ensure corporate polluters do not place profits above the environment and communities. Scott Banbury, Conservation Programmes Coordinator at the Tennessee Chapter of Sierra Club . The state legislature shouldn’t be able to preempt local governments and state agencies’ authority and right for self-determination. We urge members to take into consideration these factors before denying the requested amendment.

This bill will be considered by the Tennessee Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and House Commerce Committee.Tuesday, March 8. The Sierra Club and SELC strongly urge legislators reject this irresponsible law that puts Tennessee communities in danger.

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