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The COVID environment continues to change, but it remains the same
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The COVID environment continues to change, but it remains the same

Too much of today’s world feels like it comes from George Orwell’s novel titled “1984” — that is things have changed but one has to act like it has always been that way. Consider Russia (Soviet Union), although it was on our side in World War II, it was really a marriage of convenience. Orwell would claim they have always been our enemy, and that is all one should know.

Orwell died at 46 from tuberculosis. His statue outside of BBC reads, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear.” Now more than ever, that is the case.

In keeping with the Orwellian theme the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or has it always been this way) recently updated its guidance regarding the use of facial masks. Counties can now be divided into three levels: green, yellow, and orange (from worst to most). Robeson County was able to escape the red category (since it no longer exists), and has moved to the moderate yellow level. Only Pender, Scotland, and Robeson counties in Southeast North Carolina escaped the worst category. It’s not Orange, Durham, Wake, or Durham; Robeson County is now moderate.

The new parameters include the number of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital, the number of new admissions, and the number of cases. The hospitalizations will usually be a few weeks behind the rise of cases so this is the one to monitor first. You can view the COVID-19 county map with CDC.

With our designation masks are only allowed to be used for compromised individuals, those with mild symptoms, or people to reduce anxiety. For example, in our local superstore, less than one-third are up-to-date with COVID vaccinations. To ease anxiety and keep everyone safe, it might be a great opportunity to remain masked.

The virus is constantly evolving and will continue to evolve, as well as the message on how it can be countered. Merely saying masks were in, then they were out; distancing is necessary and then it isn’t, only underscores the fact that the knowledge base is increasing. 95% of the population has some form of virus antibody. Vaccinated people often have more. Minor variations within the variants can often be corrected, but major modifications cannot. Getting vaccinated is the best way to stay healthy.

Come to think about it, maybe the Talking Heads and David Byrne said it best; “Same as it ever was.”

Bill Smith is the director for the Robeson County Health Department.

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