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The environmental impact of the conflict in Ukraine
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The environmental impact of the conflict in Ukraine

Environmental activists and activists warn that the conflict in Ukraine will have a long-lasting impact on Ukraine’s urban, industrial, and agricultural areas.

Since Russia’s military attack in Ukraine on April 26, 2022, more than 21,000 civilians have been killed, with 200 of these being children. 

An additional 7.1 million people are also displaced. Four million have fled Ukraine. However, the war’s horrific human cost and devastating consequences do not end there. 

A major environmental problem is currently occurring in Ukraine. The continued Russian bombing may cause pollutants to build up over many years. 

On April 14, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine reported that more than 1,500 Russian missiles had been fired into Ukraine by the Russian military and that more than 5,000 pieces of Russian military equipment of different types had been destroyed. 

The total weight of all Russian equipment destroyed as of April 8 was approximately 85,000 tons. It can take years to recycle military scrap metal.

Many parts of eastern Ukraine have chemical plants and petroleum refineries. 

With the missile attacks and strikes on those chemical plants, refineries and ammonia pipelines the nation’s air water and soil were poisoned. 

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and local NGOs recorded 111 attacks against industrial sites and energy plants, water stations and gas pipelines, and unique natural resources. 

“In the first month, more than 1,100 missiles were launched onto the territory Ukraine and nearly 4,000 units of various military equipment were destroyed,” says Yevhenia ZasiadkoEcoaction’s Head of Operations. 

“This will cause the accumulation of carcinogenic material as spilt-fuel from exploded missiles contaminates soil and groundwater with chemicals, heavy metals, and other substances.”

This is not all. Large-scale mining by Russian troops can also have huge impacts on agricultural lands. 

As a result, large areas of Ukraine’s arable fields are no longer suitable for agriculture. 

Many others in cities, towns, and villages across Ukraine claim that the war has polluted their soil, water, and air. In Kiev, for example, the air quality has declined because of the heavy fighting that took place in March.

Residents were asked not to open windows during that time as the pollutant concentration was high. 27.8 times higherAccording to the International Organization for Migration, the guidelines are more restrictive than those of the World Health Organization.

Experts warn that long-term health risks such as cancer and respiratory problems may be posed by exposure to heavy metals and toxic gases from fires, explosions, and building collapses. 

“The consequences of this war will last a long time, it will take many decades for those who were displaced to overcome negative environmental and health effects of war, not only the psychological scars,” Elizabeth Warn, Deputy Chief Of Mission at IOM Ukraine.

“People who are displaced in Ukraine or elsewhere will need to have sustainable livelihoods, housing, jobs, and health care in order to rebuild their lives and increase their resilience.

These environmental issues have been referred to as an “ecocide” by environmental advocates. According to Ecoaction (a Ukrainian environmental advocacy group), they are seeking to bring Russia criminal charges internationally.

Evgenia Zasiadko (head of the climate department) stated that Russia should pay for these crimes. Ecoaction.

“Not only for those who have been killed or harmed, but also for the infrastructure and cities that were damaged, as well as the damage to the environment.

She said, “My worst fear is that the destruction will be so great that we won’t be able rebuild.” 

Source: TRT World

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