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“The fight for future generations”: Double major combines passions in marketing and environment
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“The fight for future generations”: Double major combines passions in marketing and environment

Portrait of Megan Neely, a second-year student at ASU.
March 24, 2022

Megan Neely, a sophomore at Arizona State University, stepped onto Tempe’s campus three years ago. She knew that this was the place she was meant to be.

I felt instantly at home as soon as I walked through campus and entered The College to speak with the advisers. I felt welcomed. Neely stated that I felt valued and wanted. Because I love what I’m doing, and where I’m going, I’m so grateful for that experience. Every day I wake up feeling so grateful to be able to go to school here.
Portrait of Megan Neely, a second-year student at ASU.Megan Neely, a second-year student in ASU’s second year, double majors in earth and environment studies and digital audiences, with a minor on sustainability.
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Neely is a double major in earth and environmental sciences, and digital audiences, with a minor on sustainability. In high school, Neely was drawn to studying the environment. School of Earth and Space Explorations Earth and environmental studiesShe was attracted to the program.

In my senior year in high school, I was enrolled in AP earth science and environmental science. We went to Treehaven in Wisconsin and I loved learning about the various aspects of the climate. I have always been passionate about climate change activism and climate change. Neely stated that I knew I wanted to learn more and find out how I could help.

ASU’s earth & environmental studies program stands out from other programs because you can tailor it to suit your interests. There are many aspects of Earth that I love studying, as well as some that I don’t care about. You can go in so many different directions with them. This major has endless possibilities.

She also added a major digital audience from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass CommunicationShe discovered her passion for social marketing management and digital marketing while working as a merchandise specialist at her sorority.

Recently, she was able to explore digital marketing in her roles at Gold Baby, a custom-made apparel company, and as a Marketing Assistant. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Neely shared more details about her Sun Devil journey.

Question: What is your favorite thing about studying the environment?

Answer: The one thing that really attracted me is the urgency. I feel like there are not enough people who care. I want people to care. It’s not always as complicated as people think. There are simple solutions. People can make a significant impact if they know more about the simple solutions and how they can make small changes in their lives. It’s also a fight for future generations. I want my children to have the opportunity to experience the environment to its full extent, not at high extinction rates or melting ice caps.

Q: Are you involved with any clubs or organizations? How have they shaped you experience?

A:I am a member of a sorority. This helped me make new friends during the pandemic. ASU Womens Soccer Club’s director of public relations and social networking. It’s allowed me to network and meet new people. Club sports are something I enjoy. I was briefly involved with Women’s Coalition. I was part of their HerStory Committee last year. I have never planned events before and was amazed at the amount of work that goes into them. I wasn’t involved in high school so it was a surprise that I found myself involved in college. However, I find it rewarding to be involved. It’s a great way to meet new people and has been so much fun.

Q: What skills or experience have you gained from your time at The College that will be useful in achieving your future goals and objectives?

A: The College has supported me throughout my journey. My adviser is an angel. She helps me with all my questions and assists me in any way she can. She helped me discover aspects of the program I didn’t know existed. The classes are very detailed and the professors are passionate about what they teach. I enjoy learning. For example, I didn’t know much about geology or geological structures. But, going through the labs and classes, talking with the professors, and staying the entire lab, it really showed how much there was to learn. It’s exciting to register for my courses for next semester. It’s like, “What am I going to learn next?”

Q: What challenges have you faced? Q: What have you done to overcome these challenges?

A: It was difficult last year because everything was online. Last year, time management was a major problem for me. Online classes are now my preferred option, something I never imagined would happen. It’s easy to find the right balance now that there’s a good mix of online classes and in-person classes.

Q: What advice would incoming students get?

A: It is important to stay true to your goals. It is okay to change your major. It’s okay to change your major multiple times. This is my fourth adjustment to my track and I still graduate on time. It’s not as overwhelming or scary as it seems at first.

Q: What do your 10 year plans look like?

A: It’s difficult to predict where I’ll end my career in 10 years. However, I am working to be more sustainable and environmentally conscious while still pursuing my passion for digital media and marketing. There are a few options for me to take, including making more environmentally-friendly products or changing our living habits. I hope to work in a company that is innovative and allows me to do such cool things.

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