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the MountainFLOW Eco Wax team takes on the Birkie –
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the MountainFLOW Eco Wax team takes on the Birkie –

the MountainFLOW Eco Wax team takes on the Birkie –

A familiar face team is headed to the American Birkebeiner. Rumors suggest that their race suits might be something to behold.

Simi Hamilton, brand ambassador, leads the team of Sophie Hamilton and Caldwell. As part of the Racing Club, Sadie Maubet–Bjornsen (Sylvan Ellefson), Liz Stephen and Matt Gelso will be racing. mountainFLOW Eco Wax team.

“Were gettin the band back together!” This familiar team of retired skiers is headed to Hayward to represent mountainFLOW eco wax at the American Birkie. (Photo: mountainFLOW)

mountainFLOW Eco Wax, which Hamilton grew up in, is a manufacturer of a range of plant-based waxes and maintenance products for skiers and riders. It is located in Colorado’s Roaring Fork Valley. After years of experimentation in the kitchen of founder Peter Arlein, the company was officially founded in 2016. Arlein experimented with many plant-based alternatives to petroleum-based products the ski industry has relied on for years. He eventually came up with a solution that he felt satisfied with.

Why not consider an eco-friendly wax?

It’s a classic micro-pollution problem where you can’t see the wax coming off [your skis]Arlein explained the situation in a telephone call. It’s not like you’re littering and you can see what you threw on the side of the road, but in aggregate, it becomes a big issue. All these pollutants build up and accumulate in the rivers as they melt in the snow and then melt again, and then it all flows into the local watershed.

Arlein, who has been in the ski industry more than 20 years, was a cook, patroller, and fry cook. He explained that he tried all eco-friendly products before mountainFLOW but was not satisfied with their performance compared to traditional petroleum-based products.

The pillars of mountainFLOW products are 100% plant-based and petroleum-free, without compromising ski speed or performance. (Photo: mountainFLOW)

Arlein stated that eco waxes were once really bad. So we’re here to show, first and foremost, our waxes are high performance — and they happen to be non-petroleum and made from plants. Because it can be as green as possible, but if it’s slow, then it’s not a very good product.

He explained that eco-friendly products have historically relied on soy wax for their main ingredient. This is a readily available, inexpensive, and simple to work with.

But it’s also super soft, he said So, in anything colder than 30 degrees. It’s just too slow.

mountainFLOW has created a collection of recipes that account for the variations in moisture and friction at different temperatures. This is a result of extensive research and experimentation. MountainFLOW sources their ingredients from the organic health and beauty sector, which had previously used the ingredients they landed on.

We’ve tweaked the ratio of plant waxes, and the different types of plant waxes that we’re using, to mimic the qualities of a traditional wax. You can measure hydrophobicity and hardness. These are the main characteristics of a normal wax.

mountainFLOW’s basic line of ski waxes, akin to Swix Performance line, features three temperature ranges, plus an all-temperature wax to keep the bases of your cross country, alpine, and touring setups fast and protected. (Photo: mountainFLOW)

After appearing on Arleins, the company grew well past that time and began to flourish in 2019. ABCs Shark TankWith patents on the wax formulas in their hands, mountainFLOW eco-waxes quickly found their way into more than 600 doors. The products are now sold in over 600 retail stores across the country and reach as far as New Zealand, and Europe. Demonstrating Engagement to protect the environmentmountainFlow is a Certified B Corporation, and all USDA Certified biobased products are certified by the company. They also have 100% post-consumer recycled packaging materials.

Cross country skiers have been discussing the dangers of fluorinated waxes for years. How to stop their use has been at the forefront of cross-country ski community discussions. The idea of eco-friendly alternatives should be a curiosity to environmentally conscious skiers. The elimination of fluoros perhaps has also shown that cross-country skiers are not willing compromise when it comes down to speed on race day.

Arlein explained that mountainFLOW has met this challenge by creating its race waxes. They have innovated with materials that are more than just for sliding on narrow skis.

We were able to source this ceramic nanopowder that mimics qualities of fluoros, but it’s totally non-toxic and biodegradable, Arlein shared. It was actually developed by the Department of Defense for use in bulletproof vests, because it’s really durable and hard. It is also super hydrophobic, making it slippery. This made it a popular choice for coating runners for luge or bobsled. We found a Midwest lab that was making it and licensed the right to use it for ski wax. And so that’s what we’re putting in our non-fluoro race wax, and that’s what everyone will be skiing on at the Birkie.

MountainFLOW Eco Wax created a line biodegradable race waxes made from plants. This allows skiers to have faster race skis and reduces the environmental impact of petroleum-based products. (Photo: mountainFLOW)

The mountainFLOW race wax range includes three temperature ranges: cool, warm, and cold. They have compared it to similar products from companies such as Toko and Swix.

We have found that the wax works particularly well in cold temperatures with hard snow.

The mountainFLOW Team is in luck Temperatures in Cable WIThe temperatures for the three nights before the American Birkebeiner on Saturday 26th are currently -8, 6 and -1 Fahrenheit.

Arlein, who is originally from alpine skiing, says that he started cross country skiing last year with his wife. We didn’t go very far. And I was dying. He laughed at me, and I looked awful.

He was already connected to Simi Hamilton, his older sister who grew up with Arleins’ wife. He knew the mountainFLOW products would perform equally well on crosscountry skis than they would on alpine or backcountry boards, so he called Hamilton that day from his car in an attempt to get some guidance.

Simi Hamilton and Sophie Hamilton go for a classic ski ride near their Aspen home. (Courtesy photo).

“I was like, ‘Simi, I need help. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not good at this sport. And I don’t know enough about it to speak from an authentic place. Can you help?’”

Hamilton, who is a long-time spokesperson for environment policy and an ambassador for Protect Our Winters, quickly agreed. Hamilton paired technique advice with perspective on mountainFLOW’s ability to meet the demands of committed cross country ski racers. He has raced on some of the most expensive and toxic waxes in the world for decades, so he is able to speak with authority about the performance of mountainFLOW’s products relative to others.

Hamilton wrote that I was impressed by how well their waxes perform. Although I haven’t tried any of their products in snow that is super wet or very dirty yet (afterall, this is Colorado), I think they are great. molyIt will work great in springtime conditions. It’s been a wild winter here, with extreme temperature fluctuations, periods of heavy snowfall, and seemingly endless dry spells. All of the waxes that I have used so far have performed as well, if not better, than the fluorinated paraaffins I used in the past for training sessions and hard practice. I have been able to get on my backcountry and alpine skis more often than usual this year so I have been better about keeping my gear clean with some regular waxing. I can confidently say that arcing turns on groomers or in powder is much more enjoyable when you have some fast planks under the feet.

Hamilton claims he has used mountainFLOW products from the beginning of his time in Arlein’s kitchen. However, it wasn’t until this summer that he joined the team to be an ambassador and consultant. He first tested some of their bike lubes, and cleaning products.

I was impressed from the beginning with their stuff. It worked just like the ski waxes. It was as good, if not more, than any traditional (petroleum based) lubes or cleaners. I’ve become more involved over the last few months, mainly because I believe what they are doing is making an impact in our ski and biking communities. They are challenging the notion that petroleum-based products are the only ones that work well.

“MountainFLOW is showing the outdoor industry that we can venture into the mountains use products that are both 100% sustainable and enrich the important mountain experiences we seek,” Hamilton emphasized.

“And perhaps most importantly, theyre just an awesome company with some incredible people at the helm who love to share the stoke they have for being outside and doing really fun things.

Simi Hamilton enjoys retirement while going backcountry skiing near his Aspen home. (Courty photo)

The Birkie was an obvious choice for the team as the two planned ways to reach the cross-country ski market with mountainFLOW product. Arlein stated that the team would be fun and not too serious. Ideal for retirees looking to find an excuse to get together.

Peter’s number one goal was to have fun at the most famous ski event in the country, so I was excited about the idea. Cross-country skiers are generally the most concerned about climate change and other important environmental issues. Being part of a team that can introduce the company, their ethos and their standard-setting products, to a community of people who want be a part the solution, and not the problem, is awesome. It’s going to be a great time to have a good time with them. [my former teammates]for a few more days. We’re getting the band back together and I couldnt feel more excited about all the pieces falling into place!

The mountainFLOW team can be found at the Hayward airport for anyone heading to Hayward. Birkie expo, where you can chat with Arlein and the race team about the products and race-day wax recommendations, buy waxes and tools, or have your skis waxed – for free! – by the crew. Otherwise, visit mountainFLOW OnlineOr at a retailer near youTry to remember that there is a guarantee of 100% satisfaction if the products do not meet your expectations.

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