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The Smart Combination of Green Infrastructures and Solar Installations in Europe: Transforming the Built Environment
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The Smart Combination of Green Infrastructures and Solar Installations in Europe: Transforming the Built Environment

The tragic invasion of Ukraine has made it clear how dependent Europe is on Russia’s oil and natural gas. This has led to an energy crisis. The European Governments and international community are currently working together to find short- and long-term solutions to increase energy security. These include plans to diversify energy supply, the terrible idea of reopening nuclear plants and returning to coal, and the brilliant idea to increase renewable energy sources. For decades, our governments should have made energy security their first priority by investing in energy efficiency and renewables.

REPowerEU was released recently. Joint European Action for Affordable, Secure and Sustainable EnergyThe European Commission recommends that 420 GW of solar power be deployed by 2030. In this spirit, the Commission has issued a communication dated March 8, 2022. In June, a communication will be presented on solar energy. The purpose of the communication is to help unlock solar energy’s potential as a major renewable source of energy in the EU. Based on an analysis comparing the EU’s state of play in solar energy, the European Solar Rooftops Initiative (ESRI) will be developed. It will identify obstacles and recommend measures to accelerate roll-out..

The European Solar Rooftops InitiativeThis is a unique opportunity for citizens and cities to maximize their impact by promoting green infrastructure and solar installations on every rooftop or impervious surface that is economically and technically possible. Biosolar installations that combine solar energy and green roof technologies would transform our urban environment. Individual homes, buildings blocks, and local energy communities could all be supplied with solar energy from the sun. Urban biodiversity could be enhanced by green roofs or other forms of vegetation. Green roofs would increase urban biodiversity by reducing stormwater runoff, urban heat island effect, and thereby reducing the energy required for rainwater treatment and cooling. While also increasing the production efficiency for rooftop solar installationsBetween 5 and 15%. Green roofs can also be used to ballast racking systems for solar panel without the need for roofing penetrations. Because green roofs protect the underlying waterproofing, it extends its life expectancy past 40 years. There is no need for solar panels to be removed or re-roofed later. 

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